Wednesday, September 1, 2010


問: Why was Susan afraid?(蘇珊為什麼害怕?)這問題,假如答以( It was) Because she saw a ghost(因為她見到鬼魂),句子算不算完整?要不要改為 She was afraid because she saw a ghost?

答:用 why提出的問題,回答可逕用 because起句,不算是「不完整句子」( incomplete sentence)。第四版《朗文當代英文辭典》以及 Cambridge International Dictionary of English because條下就有以下例句:( 1)"Why can't I go?" "Because you're not old enough."(「我為什麼不能去?」「因為你年紀太輕。」)( 2)"Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to."(「你為什麼做這件事?」「因為卡洛斯叫我做。」)讀者示下那一句, Because之前不必加 It was,更不必像小學生學答問題那樣,說 She was afraid because she saw a ghost。

Since、 as二字,也可解作「因為」,但一般不可以像 because那樣獨立成句,例如要回答 Why was Susan afraid?不可說 Since/ As she saw a ghost。這是慣用法,不可解釋。

問:「請不要唱歌,可以嗎?」英文可不可譯做 Please don't sing, can you?

答:以 Don't開頭的祈使句( imperative),有要求合作或警告、提醒含義,附加問句( tag question)習慣用 will you,不用 can you,例如:( 1) Don't smoke, will you?(不要吸煙,好嗎?)( 2) Don't forget it, will you?(不要忘了啊。)讀者說的那一句,也應用 will you,不用 can you。



Tuesday, August 31, 2010



答:「動」一般指「體力活動多」,英文可譯做 active或 physically active;「靜」則指「不多走動」,英文是 sedentary。 Sedentary本義是「坐着的」,例如:( 1) Those in sedentary occupations should take some exercise every day(案頭工作者,經常坐着,應每天都做些運動)。( 2) He is a sedentary person(他是個不好動的人)。「我這個人動靜皆宜」可譯做 I am one who enjoys both physical and sedentary activities或 An active lifestyle suits me as much as a sedentary one。

「鎮靜劑」英文是 sedative,和 sedentary同出一源。

問: As different as they were, they shared something in common這一句, as different as they were是什麼意思?

答:子句( clause)假如以「形容詞( adjective)/副詞( adverb)+ as」起句,那 as可解作「雖然」或「儘管」,等於 though,例如:( 1)( As) strange as/ strange though it may seem(= Though it may seem strange), he can't swim a stroke(說來似乎難以置信,但他完全不會游泳)。( 2) I won't recommend him for the post,( as) much as/ much though I like him(= Though I like him very much)(我雖然喜歡他,卻不會推薦他擔任這職位)。用兩個 as的寫法,多見於美式英文。

讀者說的那一句,意思等於 Though they were different, they shared something in common(他們雖然很不同,有一點卻是相同的)。


Monday, August 30, 2010


It was to British author Lady Mary Montagu that Europe was first indebted for the introduction of inoculation against smallpox.

When Lady Mary was in Turkey, she discovered the local practice of inoculation against smallpox-- variolation. Unlike Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself. Perfectly satisfied of its efficacy, she had her three-year-old son inoculated in 1717.

On her return to London, she enthusiastically promoted the procedure, but encountered a great deal of resistance from the medical establishment because it was an"Oriental" practice and because of her gender. However, the British royal family had their own children inoculated. The nobility soon followed the example, and the practice gradually extended among all ranks, and to all Europe.



【附注】金納( 1749-1823)是英國醫生,發明牛痘接種法。蒙塔古夫人自己曾患天花,玉貌留瑕。


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Jane de Belleville was a French noblewoman. In 1343, when her husband, Oliver, was beheaded by the king of France on unauthenticated suspicion of treason, Jane sold off her estates, bought three warships, and took to the English Channel. She proceeded to hunt down French ships, and was utterly merciless with the crews of the ships she captured.

Jane also made several descents on Normandy, whose inhabitants saw this beautiful woman, with a sword in one hand and a torch in another, eyeing with pleasure all the horrors of her misplaced revenge.

In 1356, Jane retired from piracy to marry an English lieutenant. She eventually returned to France, and in 1359 died there, near the land she and her beloved Oliver had once owned.




【附注】 Descent的動詞是 descend,兩字都可解作「襲擊」。


Saturday, August 28, 2010


問: It has been four years since I smoked一語,是不是說「我抽煙至今四年了」?

答:這一句應解作「我至今有四年沒吸煙了」。假如要說「我吸煙至今四年了」,英文可說 I have smoked for four years或 I started smoking/ I started to smoke four years ago。

留意 since所述的,是「自從某個時間以來」的事; for帶出的,是某事維持了多久的時間; ago則用來說過去某事距離現在多久。以下三句,都是說「我有五年沒聽到他的消息」,但 since、 for、 ago三字須配不同的動詞時式:( 1) It is/ It has been five years since I heard of him。( 2) I have not heard of him for five years。( 3) I last heard of him five years ago。

問: He was only too pleased to let them go一語,是說「他很樂意讓他們離去」還是「他高興得不讓他們離去」?

答: Only too和 too不同。 Too... to do something有「太過……以至不能做某事」的意思,「 only too+ happy、 ready等表示意願的形容詞+to do something」則是說「非常(樂意、願意等)做某事」,例如:( 1) He was too happy to go to bed(他高興得不能就寢)。( 2) He was only too happy to go to bed(他慶幸可以就寢了)。

Only too還可用在其他一些形容詞之前,有「十分」( very)的意思,一般帶惋惜含義,例如: The news is only too true(可惜這消息絕對是真的)。


Friday, August 27, 2010


問: They should have about five years' experience in customer service(他們須有約五年服務顧客經驗)這一句, years之後的撇號( apostrophe)可以刪去嗎?

答:那 five years之後不加撇號,不是正式寫法,不宜仿效。要說有多少分鐘、小時、日、月、年等,英文習慣在 minute、 hour、 day、 month、 year等之後加撇號,否則宜改用其他寫法,例如 two hours' performance(兩小時表演)、 a day's rest(一天休息)、 three years' separation(一別三年)等,可改作 a two-hour performance/ a performance of two hours、 a one-day rest/ a rest of one day、 a three-year separation/ a separation of three years。讀者那一句,也可改作 They should have about five years of experience in customer service,不應寫作 about five years experience。

問: What will be the test result like?和 What will the test result be like?(測驗結果會怎樣?)這兩句哪一句正確?

答:英文問句,一般把輔助動詞( auxiliary verb)置於句子主詞( subject)之前,主要動詞則置於主詞之後,例如:( 1) What will he do?(他會怎麼辦?)( 2) Don't you know him?(你不認識他嗎?)讀者那一句, will是輔助動詞, be是主要動詞,句子當然應作 What will the test result be like?
有一點請留意:假如 be(即 is、 was等)是主要動詞,而不和 will、 can等輔助動詞連用,那麼,會像輔助動詞一樣,置於問句的主詞之前。請比較以下兩句:( 1) Is he there?(他在那裏嗎?)( 2) Will he be there?(他會在那裏嗎?)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

乒乓球大小、 to和 for

問: She got a blister the size of a table-tennis ball on her heel(她腳後跟有個乒乓球大小的水泡)一語,「 a+名詞」( a blister)之後怎麼會用「 the+名詞」( the size)?

答: Size和 age、 colour、 height、 length、 shape、 weight等字一樣,常用在 be(即 is、 was等)之後,說出句子主詞( subject)的大小、年齡、顏色、高度、長度、形狀、重量等,例如:( 1) He is only half my age(我年紀大他一倍)。( 2) Her skin is the colour of ivory(她皮膚的顏色有如象牙)。( 3) She got a blister which was the size of a table-tennis ball。第三句 which was二字,由於用在兩個沒有逗點相隔的名詞之間,可以略去,變成「 a+名詞」接以「 the+名詞」句式。

問: I brought a present to/ for John這一句,介系詞應用 to,配 brought字,還是應用 for,配 present一字?

答:這一句用 to或 for都可以,但意思略有不同, I brought a present to John也可寫作 I brought John a present,意思是「我把一份禮物帶給約翰」, to有「致某人」含義; I brought a present for John則是說「我帶了一份給約翰的禮物」, for表示「要給某人」。

由此可見,介系詞應用 to還是 for,不是由 brought或 present決定,而是看句子意思,即使不用 brought一字, present之後也可以用 to;而即使不用 present一字, brought之後也可以用 for,例如:( 1) It is a present to you from Santa Claus(這是聖誕老人給你的禮物)。( 2) Have you brought enough food for so many people?(你帶的食物,足夠這麼多人吃嗎?)


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


問: He was nailed in the head with a water bottle這一句的 nailed是什麼意思?查字典,似乎沒有合適的解釋。

答:這個 nail是俚語,指「用力擊中」,常見於西洋拳或棒球等比賽的報道,一般字典不會收錄這個用法,例如:( 1) Nailing(= Punching) him squarely on the chin with a left hook, I floored him(我一記左鈎拳正正打中他下巴,把他打倒了)。( 2) He took aim, and, lunging forward, nailed the ball hard(他瞄準,衝前用力把球擊中)。讀者示下那一句,意思就是「他被人用水瓶重重打在頭上」。

問:「我頭痛好多了」英文可不可以說 My headache has got much better?照道理,這說法恐怕不妥當,因為好起來的應是頭痛者,而不是頭痛本身。

答:從病人的立場來說,頭痛減退,就是好起來, My headache has got much better這說法並沒有錯。除了 get better,你還可以用 improve、 ease等字說頭痛減輕,例如:( 1) My headache has eased a lot/ has improved a lot(我頭痛好多了)。( 2) The headache is getting better, and the nausea is gone(頭痛慢慢減退,作嘔感覺也沒有了)。

假如頭痛已完全消失,則可說: My headache has gone/ ceased/disappeared/ passed/cleared off。
有時,好好睡一覺,也可以消除頭痛,這用英文來說就是: Sometimes, you can sleep off a headache。


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

老兄、 at all times和 all the time

問:看電視英語劇集,見劇中人常用 mate這個單字,那是什麼意思,是慣用語嗎?

答: Mate本是「同伴」的意思,所以同班同學、同住一室者、隊友等叫 classmate、 roommate、 teammate。一起關在獄中的囚犯或住在醫院裏的病人,則叫 inmate。後來, mate逐漸用來稱呼相熟或陌生的人,一般是男人,語氣隨便,含意友善,約等於中文的「老兄」,例如:( 1)"Excuse me, where is the post office?" "I don't have any idea, mate. I'm a stranger here too."(「請問郵局在哪裏?」「我不知道,老兄。我也不熟悉這個地方。」)( 2)"How're you getting on, mate?" "Fine, thanks. How're you?"(「老兄,近來怎樣?」「很好,你呢?」)

留意 mate也作 maty或 matey,讀音是 may-ti,但 maty/ matey的語氣不一定友善,有時會帶敵意,例如: Leave her alone, matey. She's my girl(老兄,不要纏着她。她是我女朋友。)

問: All the time和 all times有沒有分別?

答: All times一般會用介系詞 at帶出, at all times即「無論什麼時候都……」; all the time則是「一直」或「常常」的意思,例如:( 1) A mining worker must at all times observe the safety regulations(無論什麼時候,礦工都必須遵守安全規則)。( 2) She cried all the time she was here(她在這裏的時候,哭個不停)。( 3) She is complaining all the time(她常常發牢騷)。


Monday, August 23, 2010


Aelia Eudocia, wife of TheodosiusⅡ, East Roman emperor, lived happily till a trifling accident exposed her to her husband's jealousy.

The emperor, it is said, one day sent her an apple of an extraordinary size. She gave it to Paulinus, a good-looking friend of the emperor, whom she respected on account of his learning. Paulinus, not knowing from whom the apple originally came, presented it to the emperor, who soon saw the empress, and asked her what she had done with the apple.

Apprehensive of raising suspicions in her husband, Eudocia very unwisely declared that she had eaten it. Her confusion may easily be conceived when the emperor produced the apple, and indignantly gave vent to his suspicions. He ordered Paulinus to be put to death, and banished Eudocia to Jerusalem, where she died.





Sunday, August 22, 2010


Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, was one day engaged in a warm argument with a lady. She maintained that eloquence could only be acquired by those who made it their study in early youth, while Cromwell declared that there was no eloquence but that which sprang from the heart.

Some days later, the lady's husband was arrested and conducted to the Tower of London as a traitor to the government. The agonised wife flew to the Lord Protector, threw herself at his feet, and with great eloquence pleaded for her husband's life and innocence. After a while Cromwell's stern countenance relaxed into a smile. Extending to her an immediate liberation of her husband, he said,"I think all who have a witnessed this scene, will vote on my side of the question, in the dispute between us the other day."






Saturday, August 21, 2010

At 和 in

問: I arrived in Japan(我來到日本)、 I arrived at Tokyo(我來到東京)二語,一用 in,一用 at,是因為東京比日本小;但 I live in Hong Kong(我住在香港)、 I live in Tuen Mun(我住在屯門)二語,屯門比香港小,為什麼也用 in 而不用 at?

答:說地方,英文一般用 at指某一點,而用 in指較大的場所,例如 at a bus stop(在巴士站)、 in a house(在房子裏)等。屯門之類小鎮,英式英文通常會視為「一點」,例如: There was a terrible traffic jam at Tuen Mun(交通在屯門嚴重阻塞)。不過,小鎮的居民,往往卻會用 in來說「鎮上」,例如: I enjoy living in Tuen Mun(我喜歡住在屯門)。說到底,小鎮名稱應用 in還是 at帶出,沒有嚴格規定。假如你認為屯門不是小鎮,即使不住在當地,也可用 in。美式英文更是不論大城小鎮,一律用 in帶出。

「我來到東京」這一句,英文其實一般會說 I arrived in Tokyo,不用 at。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 arrive條下例句可供參考: She'll arrive in New York at noon(她將於正午抵達紐約)。不過,假如把東京、紐約等看作長途旅遊路線上的一點,那麼,一般就會用 at,例如: On its way to Calcutta, the plane refuelled at Tokyo/ New York(飛機飛往加爾各答途中,在東京/紐約加油)。

【代郵】 Miu 724先生:「感恩同行,分享卓越」八字,僕字字認得,但一不知感誰之恩,二不知有何卓越,三不知卓越如何「分享」。英文難寫如此廢話,無法翻譯,請亮察是幸。


Friday, August 20, 2010


問:要說「他總是遲到」,以下哪一句較好:( 1) He is always being late。( 2) He is always late。

答:文法上, He is always being late一語沒有錯,但一般會說 He is always late。假如是學生作文,老師一定刪去 being一字。

Being 通常用來說一時的狀態或行為。例如看見親友下重注賭馬,你可以說: You are being stupid(你這樣做真蠢);看見小孩子淘氣,可以說: You are being naughty today(你今天很不聽話)。 You are stupid、 You are naughty則是說對方生性愚蠢、向來不聽話等,不只是一時的事。


答:英文沒有「騷」的同義詞。 Webster's Third New International Dictionary gamy條下有以下例句: She had a huge brown billy goat... so she was usually pretty gamy herself。「獨立研編而不是譯編」的陸谷孫《英漢大詞典》照抄了這一句,只略去 huge brown二字,譯編如下:「她有一頭公山羊,因此她身上常帶膻氣。」但 gamy其實不專指「膻氣」或羊臊氣。英文叫獵物做 game,是不可數名詞( uncountable noun),沒有複數形式,例如: He went to hunt game in the forest(他去森林打獵)。 Gamy或 gamey(讀作 gaymee)就是指獵物的濃烈氣味,特別是獵物之肉儲存過久的氣味。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》把 gamey譯做「有膻味的」,其實沒有第四版的翻譯那麼恰當:「(指肉)(野味經長久保存)氣味強烈的」。

要不褒不貶談「羊肉騷味」,英文只能說 the smell of mutton,把「騷」的意思寓於不言之中。


Thursday, August 19, 2010


問:一些商店收銀機前有以下告示:「 Prices will be subject to record of our company system價格以本公司電腦系統資料為準。」 Subject是不是應改為 subjected?

答: Prices will be subject to record of our company system這一句,根本不是「價格以本公司電腦系統資料為準」的意思。勉強解釋,句子似乎是說「我們公司的電腦系統會把價格記錄下來」,但這解釋並不合理,因為價格本已存於電腦之中。

也許,那告示想說的是「貨架所標價錢,假如和電腦系統紀錄不同,將按電腦紀錄收錢」。英文說法應是: Customers will always be charged the price recorded in our computer system for an item, regardless of its marked price/ shelf price。

至於 to be subject to和 to be subjected to,意思、讀音都不同。 To be subject to的 subject是形容詞,重音( stress)在第一個音節( syllable),意思是「可能或容易受到」或「必須獲得」,例如:( 1) She is subject to frequent colds(她常常患感冒)( 2) The sale is subject to the board of directors' approval(這宗買賣必須獲得董事局批准,才可成事)。

To be subjected to的 subjected是動詞,重音在第二個音節,意思是「使……遭受」,例如:( 1) Her ill health subjected her to frequent colds(她健康欠佳,使她常患感冒)。( 2) The patient was subjected to several tests(病人接受了幾個測試)。


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


問: Look和 look like有什麼分別?

答: Look like指「樣子看來和……相像」或「看來似乎會」,其後用名詞,例如:( 1) He looks like his father(他樣子和父親相似)。( 2) It looks like rain/ a busy week(看來會下雨/這個星期看來會很忙)。

Look 則有「看來顯得」的意思,其後用形容詞或名詞都可以,例如:( 1) Are you feeling OK? You look white around the gills(你面色蒼白,感到不舒服嗎?)( 2) His house looked a mess(他的房子看來凌亂得很)。

又 look和 look like都可解作「看來似是」,其後用名詞,例如:( 1) He looks( like) an honest man(他看來很誠實)。( 2) It looks( like) an interesting place(那地方看來很有趣)。

Look as if/ as though和 look like也都可以帶出子句( clause),意思是「似乎」,但 look like的這個用法,語氣較為隨便,有人甚至視為不正確,例如: She looked as if/ looked like she had seen a ghost(她一臉驚惶,似乎見了鬼)。

此外, look之後可用「 to+原形動詞」,意思是「看來」,例如: He looked to be no more than five years old(他看來不過五歲)。這個 looked不可改為 looked like。

問: Hong Kong is dead和 Hong Kong is doomed有分別嗎?

答: To be dead是「死了」, to be doomed則是「在劫難逃」或「判定了要遭厄運」,例如:( 1) He is dead(他死了)。( 2) He is doomed to death(他被判了死刑)。 Hong Kong is doomed是說「香港在劫難逃」, Hong Kong is dead則是說「香港已死」。


Tuesday, August 17, 2010


問: Outside和 Outside of有什麼分別?

答: Outside和 Outside of並不完全相同。說「在……之外」, outside是正式說法,例如:( 1) We live outside the city(我們住在城外)。( 2) He did not know how to handle the situation. It was outside his experience(這樣的情況,他沒有經歷過,不知道怎樣處理)。

Outside of是較隨便的說法,多見於口頭,一般是「除了」的意思,例如:( 1) Outside of comic books, he reads very little(除了連環圖畫,他很少看書)。( 2) Outside of her secretarial work, she has to perform some administrative duties(除了秘書的工作,她還要做些行政事務)。

問: Consider(考慮)的主詞( subject),可不可以不是一個人?例如要寫信請某機構考慮我的意見,可不可說 I hope your organisation would consider my views?

答:由人組成的任何機構,都會做人可以做的事,請看 Macmillan Contemporary Dictionary school字和第三版《朗文當代高級辭典》 review字例句:( 1) The whole school was talking about the new library(全校都在談新的圖書館)。( 2) The committee is revewing its decision(委員會正檢討其決定)。不過,讀者那一句,其實用 you字就可以,不必說 your organisation。

又 hope之後的子句,一般不用「 would+原形動詞( infinitive)」,那原形動詞之前習慣用 will。第四版《朗文當代高級辭典》 hope字條就說: Do not say that you"hope something would happen". Say that you"hope something will happen"。讀者那一句的 would最好改為 will。


Monday, August 16, 2010


In Britain's war with France, previous to the Revolution in that country, an English drummer, not more than 15 years of age, wandered from his camp too near the French lines. He was seized, and brought before the French commander.

The commander asked who he was. He answered,"A drummer in the English service." Unconvinced, the commander sent for a drum, and asked him to beat a couple of marches, which he accordingly did.

The commander's suspicion being not quite removed, he desired the drummer to beat a retreat."A retreat, sir?" replied the youthful Briton."I don't know what that is."
This answer so pleased the commander that he dismissed the drummer, and wrote to his general, commending his spirited behaviour.




【附注】 Beat a retreat即「鳴金收兵」,現在常引伸解作「逃走」或「退卻」,例如: When the ladies started discussing fashion, I beat a hasty retreat(眾女士開始談時裝,我連忙退避三舍)。


Sunday, August 15, 2010


When Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, had taken the prince of Cappadocia in war together with his wife and children, he led them to Rome in triumph. He gave orders that the father and the elder of the brothers should be slain.

The ministers of execution, on coming to the place of confinement, inquired which was the elder. On this, there arose an earnest contention between the two young princes, each of them affirming himself to be the elder. When they had continued this heroic and fraternal emulation for some time, the afflicted mother with much difficulty prevailed on her elder son that he would permit his brother to die in his stead.

When Augustus was told of this, he regretted his severity, and gave an honourable support to the mother and her son.





Minister一字,解作「執行者」,是舊式英文用法,但這用法偶然還會看到,例如: Ariel calls himself"a minister of fate"(愛麗兒自稱是「命運的執行者」)。


Saturday, August 14, 2010


問:貴欄日前有以下一句: An iron cage was made, into which Bajazid was thrust(鐵籠做好之後,巴耶塞特被推進去)。 Which、 who等關係代名詞( relative pronoun),不是應緊接所代表的名詞嗎?然則貴欄那一句,是不是應改寫如下: An iron cage, into which Bajazid was thrust, was made?

答:讀者把 was made二字置於句末,似乎鐵籠還未做好,先把巴耶塞特推進去,這恐怕不大好。關係代名詞固然多緊接所代表的名詞,但必要時相隔幾個字也無妨。例如 Animal Farm第五章就有以下一句: She was between the shafts of a smart dogcart painted red and black, which was standing outside a public-house(酒館外停着一輛漂亮的紅黑兩色馬車,她站在左右車轅之間)。句中的 which,代表的當然是 dogcart,而不是 red and black。

問:我日前打字錯打了檔案號碼,要更正,以下一句應用 was還是 has been: Due to typo error, the file reference number was/ has been stated at 123, which should be 122 instead(由於打字錯誤,檔案號碼本應是一二二,卻寫作一二三)。

答:號碼既是日前打錯的,雖然到現在才改正,但還是應該用過去式動詞 was。留意 typo是 typographical error(排印或打字錯誤)的俗寫, typo error這寫法未免畫蛇添足,改為簡單而正式的 typing error會好一點。此外,讀者那一句文法有點錯誤,謹改正如下: Because of a typing error, the file reference number was stated to be 123, while it should be 122。


Friday, August 13, 2010


問: China's recent labour unrest is less a sign of instability than a country moving towards a very different future這一句,下半截即 less a sign開始的文法結構是怎樣的?

答: More/ less a... than a...這句式,有「與其說是……,不如說是……」的意思,例如:( 1) He is more a dreamer than a revolutionary(他與其說是革命家,不如說是夢想者)。( 2) The book is less an account of the murder than a vindication of it(這本書的重點在於為那宗謀殺案辯護,而不是敍述案件的經過)。

讀者示下那一句, than之後略去了重複的 a sign of三字。全句是說:「中國最近的工人運動,與其說是反映社會不穩定,不如說是反映中國正走向一個遽變的未來。」

問:要問人家「這個座位有沒有人坐」,可不可以說 Is this seat empty?

答:英文一般的說法是 Is this seat free/ taken/ occupied?或 Is anyone/ someone sitting here?例如:( 1)"Excuse me, is this seat free?" "No, I'm sorry, someone's sitting here."(「請問這座位有沒有人坐?」「有,有人坐的,對不起。」)( 2)"Is this seat taken?" "No, it's free."(「這座位有沒有人坐?」「沒有。」)

Is this seat empty?這說法當然也可以,但較少人說。英文有個「女郎拒絕陌生漢搭訕」的笑話:"Is this seat empty?" "Yes, and mine will be if you sit down."(「這個座位有人坐嗎?」「沒有。要是你坐下來,我的座位也會沒有人坐。」)


Thursday, August 12, 2010


問: He beat my face和 He beat me on my face這兩句,有什麼分別?

答:英文在 hit/ beat/ strike somebody(打某人)、 shake somebody(搖動某人)、 hold somebody(抓住某人)等等之後,常用介系詞( preposition)帶出打、搖動、抓住身體某部分,而那部分一般用 the字帶出,不用 his、 my等,例如:( 1) They shook each other's hands/ They shook each other by the hand(他們握手)。( 2) The thug hit her head with a brick/ The thug hit her on the head with a brick(那惡棍持磚打她的頭)。

He beat my face和 He beat me on the face都是說「他打我的臉」,意思沒有分別,但 He beat me on the face這句法較為常見。

問: I can't agree any more、 I can't agree more、 I can't agree no more這三句,文法都正確嗎?意思有什麼分別?

答: Not... any more是「再也不」的意思,等於 no more,例如: I won't see him any more/ I will see him no more(我不會再見他)。 I can't agree any more即「我再也不能同意」。

Couldn't agree more或 couldn't agree less則是成語,意思是「完全同意」或「完全不同意」,習慣用假設語氣的 couldn't而不用 can't,例如: Yes, I couldn't agree with you more(不錯,我完全同意你的看法)。

I can't agree no more這一句,文法上犯了雙重否定( double negative)的錯誤,意思應等於 I couldn't agree more。


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


問: Hong Kong bills itself as a shopper's paradise, a term that implies that great deals can be had這一句的 can be had是什麼意思,什麼句法?

答: Great deals can be had只是普通被動語態( passive voice),改用主動語態( active voice),可寫作 Consumers can have great deals。讀者大概是不習慣用 have作全動詞( full verb),所以覺得奇怪;原句假如用 secured、 clinched等動詞取代 had,意思應該就不會有人不明白:「香港自稱為購物者天堂,是說購物可以很合算。」

除了 can be had,你還可以說 must be had、 may be had等,例如: The necessary tools must be had(= We must have the necessary tools) if we are to do the job well(要把工作做好,我們一定要有所需工具)。

問: The government of South Korea backed off from the announcement it made on 7 May這一句,那 it字代表什麼?可以刪去嗎?

答:這個 it當然是指 government,但把這 it字略去也可以。假如不用省略法,那麼,句子的主動和被動語態寫法如下: The government of South Korea back off from the announcement( which) it made on 7 May/ the announcement( which was) made on 7 May(南韓政府不再堅持五月七日發表的聲明)。留意主動語態的關係代名詞( relative pronoun),用在兩個名詞或代名詞之間,可以略去;被動語態的關係代名詞,假如略去,則其後的 is、 were等輔助動詞也應略去。


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


問: We received a torrent of questions from readers, who courageously described their various phobias, foibles, and out-there habits這一句, out-there habits是什麼意思?

答: Out there是美國俗語,意思是「不遵循一般規範的」,例如:( 1) His ethical values are rather out there(他的道德觀和一般人很不同)。( 2) Her parents take exception to her out-there dressing style, which is very seductive(她的衣着十分性感,不遵常規,令父母很不高興)。


問: Christmas is near and we have snow, which is as it should be這一句, snow之後的關係子句( relative clause)說的是什麼?

答:關係代名詞( relative pronoun) which可以指前文整個子句所說的事,例如: Tom loves her, which is surprising, for she does not appear to be his type(湯姆愛她,這很奇怪,因為她似乎不是湯姆喜歡的那種人)。讀者說的那一句, which就是指 we have snow這回事,謹翻譯如下:「聖誕節快要降臨,下起雪來。聖誕節本來就應該有雪。」

Something is as it should be是「某事本應如此」的意思。這裏再舉一例: The restaurant's kitchen is always clean and tidy. That is as it should be(那家餐廳的廚房總是收拾得十分整潔。餐廳廚房是應該這樣的)。


Monday, August 9, 2010


In January 330, Alexander the Great reached the capital of the Persian Empire, where he found 4000 Greeks, who had been made prisoners by the Persians. The hands and feet of some of them, and the noses and ears of others, had been cut off, and their faces branded with hot irons. Alexander assured them that they should again see their families and native country.

"Alas!" answered they,"how will it be possible for us to appear before all Greece in this dreadful condition? The best way to bear misery is to conceal it." They entreated that they might be permitted to end their days among those accustomed to their misfortunes. Alexander therefore gave to each of them 3000 drachmas, two couple of oxen to plough with, and a quantity of corn to sow. He also commanded the governor of the province to protect them.




Sunday, August 8, 2010


In the year 420, during the war between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia, 7000 Persians were brought prisoners to Amida, where they suffered extreme want.

Seeing this, Acacius, Bishop of Amida, assembled his clergy. He observed that as God had said,"I love mercy better than sacrifice," he would be better pleased with the relief of the prisoners than with being served with gold and silver. The clergy agreed. The consecrated vessels were sold, and with the proceeds the prisoners were maintained and, at the conclusion of the war, sent home. The Persian monarch was charmed with this humane action. He invited Acacius to his capital, where he received him with the utmost reverence, and for his sake conferred many favours on the Christians.



〔附注〕售賣東西或舉辦活動所得金錢,叫 proceeds,必須用複數形式。


Saturday, August 7, 2010


問:一本介紹聯合國兒童權利公約的小冊子說: Every child should have their own name and belong to a country(兒童都應有自己的姓名、國籍)。單數的 every child為什麼配複數代名詞 their?而複數的 their之後為什麼又用單數的 name?

答:從前, everybody、 every child、 nobody等單數名詞,會配 he、 him等單數代名詞,以 he等兼指男女。但是,現在女權勃興,往往以上述傳統寫法為「舊社會歧視女性」的殘餘,於是有 he or she、 him or her這樣的「男女平等」寫法。但這寫法讀起來很累贅,一般人索性就用 they、 them等作 everybody等的代名詞,算是「不分男女的單數詞語( singular unisex words)」,例如: Everybody took their seat(人人都就座了)。假如不用單數的 everybody,改用複數的 people,則 seat通常也會用複數形式: People took their seats。

「不分男女的文法( unisex grammar)」,即使名作家都會用,例如蕭伯納( Bernard Shaw)有以下一句: Nobody would ever marry if they thought it over(要是事前想清楚,誰都不會結婚)。

問:「聯合國兒童權利公約」英文叫 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child。按 child並不是指某個孩子,為什麼冠以 the?

答:英文常用「 the+單數名詞」,指那名詞說的那一類人、物,例如成語 An apple a day keeps the doctor away(一日一蘋果,醫生遠離我), the doctor泛指所有醫生。同樣, the rights of the child泛指所有兒童的權利,改為 the rights of children也無不可。


Friday, August 6, 2010


問: Remember(記得)、 know(知道)等關乎認知的動詞,假如用過去時式,會不會有「現在已非如此」含義?例如 I remembered his telephone number(我記得他的電話號碼)一語,是不是說現在已經不記得?

答:過去式動詞只表示「過去如此」,卻沒有「現在不是如此」的意思。例如你談到昨天碰見某人: I had met him only once, and just remembered his name(我以前只見過他一次,僅僅記得他的名字)。這並不是說你今天就不記得他的名字了。

當然,過去記得或不記得、知道或不知道,現在都可能不同。所以,英文偶然會過去和現在時式並用,表示過去如此,現在如彼,例如美國 Arcade出版社出版的 Family Sayings有以下一句: I never knew, and I still do not know, what Terni, Paola and Mario used to whisper about(我始終不知道,現在仍然不知道,泰爾尼、保拉、馬里奧當時常常低聲私語,談的是什麼)。假如從前不知道,現在則知道,那可以這樣說: I never knew, though I know now, what they used to whisper about。


答:「螺絲滑牙」,即螺絲扣勩了。這「滑牙」英文叫 strip,例如: Make sure that you don't use a wrong size screwdriver, or the screw may get stripped(切勿用不合大小的螺絲鑽,否則螺絲可能「滑牙」)。

螺絲的紋叫 thread。螺紋磨掉了,英文可以說: The thread is gone。


Thursday, August 5, 2010


問: Kin和 relative都是指「親戚」,意思有分別嗎?

答:血緣或婚姻上的親戚,都可以叫 kin或 relative,但 kin多見於舊式英文,是個複數名詞,指「眾親戚」;「一個親戚」是 a relative,不可說 a kin,例如:( 1) He liked his aunt, but not his other kin/ relatives(他喜歡姑母,卻不喜歡其他親戚)。( 2) He did not invite a single relative to his wedding(他沒有邀請任何一個親戚出席他的婚禮)。

此外, kin還可以指「同族(而沒有親戚關係)的人」, relative卻不可以,例如: The Indians hated the whites for killing their kin and plundering their land(印第安人恨白人,因為白人殺他們族人,掠他們土地)。

問:英文有沒有 I can't wait for learning from you soon這樣的說法?意思是不是「我等不及向你學習」?

答: Can't wait或 can hardly wait不是「等不及」,而是「急不可待」或「熱切盼望(某些事、物)」的意思,例如:( 1) I can't wait to see him(我急不可待想見他)。( 2) I can't wait for your next letter(我盼望收到你下一封信)。讀者示下那一句,由於沒有上下文,無法斷定是什麼意思。假如是說「我熱切期望向你學習」,較自然的說法是 I can't wait to learn from you,那 soon字應刪去;假如要保留 soon字,則宜用 look forward to代替 can't wait: I look forward to learning from you soon。



Wednesday, August 4, 2010


問: In which、 of which、 from which三個說法,意思有什麼分別?怎樣使用?

答:這是介系詞( preposition)和關係代名詞( relative pronoun)合用的問題,類似說法還有 about/ over/ to which、 in/ to/ from whom等等。介系詞和關係代名詞合用的方法,簡單得很。請看以下句子:( 1) This is the house. He once lived in it(這棟房子,他曾經居住)。( 2) We visited Dartmoor Prison. Escape from this prison is said to be very difficult(我們參觀達特木爾監獄。據說,要逃出這個監獄十分困難)。( 3) I examined his invention. The ingenuity of it was admirable(我細看他的發明,精巧得令人歎服)。( 4) The orphans were taken good care of by an old woman. They grew very attached to her(那些孤兒獲一位老婦人悉心照顧,對她十分愛慕)。

關係代名詞可以取代名詞或代名詞,並把句子接連起來。接連的時候,假如被取代的名詞、代名詞之前有介系詞,那麼,這介系詞也會用在關係代名詞之前。例如:( 1) This is the house in which he once lived。( 2) We visited Dartmoor Prison, from which escape is said to be very difficult。( 3) I examined his invention, the ingenuity of which was admirable。( 4) The orphans were taken good care of by an old woman, to whom they grew very attached。留意這四句和前文那八句文法結構的同異,你自然就能掌握 in which等等的意思和用法。


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


問:我修讀一個英文課程,曾打電話給老師請假,那美國人說: Shame on you,那是不是罵人話,和 What a shame一樣?

答: What a shame或 It is a shame只是「真可惜」的意思, shame字改為 pity也可以,例如: What a shame that you weren't there(你當時不在場,真可惜)。

Shame on you則是「你應感到羞愧」的意思,不一定是罵人話,要看說話語氣而定,例如:( 1) What, you didn't take the opportunity to date her? Shame on you!(什麼,你沒有乘機約她外出?真不成器!)( 2) You betrayed us to get promotion. Shame on you!(你出賣我們,以求升遷,真是可恥)。第一句的 shame on you是戲語,第二句則當然是責備。

問: He suggested to Washington that he become the king of the United States(他向華盛頓提議,由華盛頓做美國國王)這一句,文法正確嗎?查網上資料,「向某人建議」英文是 to suggest someone,不可說 to suggest to someone,例如 I suggest you that close the window(我提議你把窗關上)。

答:網上資料不可輕信, He suggested to Washington這說法也沒有錯。「向某人建議」絕對不可說 to suggest someone。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 suggest條下就特別注明, Can you suggest me a good dictionary?(你可以介紹一本好字典給我嗎?)這說法並不正確。要更正,這一句應改為 Can you suggest a good dictionary to me?讀者所說見於網上那一句,也應改正如下: I suggest that you( should) close the window。


Monday, August 2, 2010


There was in Persia in the fifth century a king called Cavades. When he was deposed and imprisoned by his subjects, his queen, who alone remained attached to him, never failed to bring him necessaries with her own hands, though she was not permitted to see him.

One day, the queen noticed that the jailer appeared captivated by her beauty, and she soothed him so far as to be allowed access to her husband. Her visits were at length premitted to take place free from observation, and one evening she changed clothes with her husband. Thus disguised, Cavades stole out of the prison. He fled to the king of the Euthalites, by whose assistance he was afterwards restored to his throne and kingdom.



【附注】 At length兩字連用,可以解作「終於」或「最後」,也可解作「詳細地」,例如:( 1) We waited for hours and hours. At length he arrived(我們等了好幾小時,他終於來了)。( 2) He spoke at length about the matter(他詳細談到這件事)。


Sunday, August 1, 2010


In the Battle of Ankara in 1402, Timur, a descendant of Genghis Khan, defeated Bajazid, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and took him prisoner. He gave Bajazid a very civil reception at first, and asked,"Now, tell me truly what you would have done with me, had I fallen into your power?"

Bajazid is said to have replied,"I would have enclosed you in an iron cage, and carried you about as a spectacle of derision to the world."

Timur said,"Then, proud man, as you would have done to me, even so shall I do to you." An iron cage was made, into which Bajazid was thrust, and he was carried along in Timur's train like a wild beast for nearly three years until, despairing of obtaining his freedom, he struck his head with such violence against the bars of the cage, as to put an end to his wretched life.





Saturday, July 31, 2010


問:「我沒有郵票」一語,貴欄譯做 I haven't any stamps,是什麼句法?怎麼不是 I don't have any stamps?

答: Have解作「有」的時候,用於否定或疑問句,英式英文較正統的寫法,是不用 do字帶出的,第二版《牛津高階英文詞典》 have條下有以下兩句:( 1) He hasn't a good memory(他記性不好)。( 2) Has she blue eyes or brown eyes?(她的眼睛是藍色還是棕色?)

今天,英式英文受美國影響,隨便一點,否定或疑問句中解作「有」的 have,一般也會用 do帶出,例如:( 1) He doesn't have a good memory。( 2) Does she have blue eyes or brown eyes?讀者多看了這類句子,對 I haven't any stamps這寫法,自然就感到陌生。

問:貴欄曾有以下一句: The May of this year was the coolest one in the past 40 years(今年的五月,是四十年來最涼的五月)。有一本文法書說, the past few years這樣的片語( phrase)之前,可用 during或 over,但不可用 in,然則貴欄那一句有沒有錯?

答: In/ during/ over the past few years都是「過去幾年內」的意思,沒有什麼分別。請看 Cambridge International Dictionary of English past條下例句: The average temperature worldwide has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past 100 years(過去一百年,全球氣溫平均上升了華氏一度左右)。這一句的 in改為 over或 during,也無不可。 The past few years等之前可用 for,但 for是指「有多久」,和 in、 during、 over意思不同。


Friday, July 30, 2010


問:名詞 dark和 darkness有什麼分別?

答: Dark作名詞,假如不冠以 the而用 before、 after、 until等介系詞( preposition)帶出,是指「傍晚」;冠以 the,則是指某個地方沒有光線的情況, in the dark即「在黑暗中」,也可引伸解作「了無所知」,例如:( 1) She did not get home till dark(她到天黑才回家)。( 2) I couldn't see anything in the dark(黑暗中,我什麼都看不見)。( 3) He kept me in the dark about his plan(他不讓我知道他的計劃)。

至於 darkness,可指「黑暗」或「天黑」,例如:( 1) The candle went out, and darkness filled the room(燭光滅了,房間一片漆黑)。( 2) In winter, darkness comes as early as 4 pm(冬天,下午四點鐘就天黑了)。這兩句的 darkness都不可用 the dark或 dark取代。

不過,以下一句,用 the dark或 darkness都可以: The candle went out, and I was left in the dark/ in(total) darkness(燭光滅了,把我留在黑暗之中)。

問:最近求職,見到不少徵聘廣告說,應徵者須 immediate available(即時可以上班),即使大公司廣告也是這樣寫,寫法正不正確?

答: Immediate available當然不是正確寫法。形容詞( adjective)只可用副詞( adverb)修飾,不可用另一形容詞。「應徵者須即時可以上班」英文可說: Applicants should be immediately available for the job。簡單一點,則可說 Immediate availability is required,用形容詞修飾名詞。


Thursday, July 29, 2010


問:「在維多利亞公園」英文是 at the Victoria Park還是 in the Victoria Park?兩個說法我都見過,意思有分別嗎?

答:首先要說的,是公園名稱一般不冠以 the,例如: Hyde Park is in London, and Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming(海德公園在倫敦,黃石國家公園在懷俄明州)。 Victoria Park也不該冠以 the。

「在維多利亞公園」英文說 at Victoria Park或 in Victoria Park都可以。要說「在公園裏」,一般用 in;把公園視在一個地點,則多用 at,例如:( 1) The Goddess of Democracy was on display in Victoria Park(民主女神在維多利亞公園裏展出)。( 2) The pro-democracy march started at Victoria Park(支持民主的遊行,由維多利亞公園出發)。謹再舉兩個例子:( 1) We will meet at the park at ten tomorrow morning(明天上午十點鐘,我們在公園集合)。( 2) He takes his dog for a walk in the park every evening(每天傍晚,他會拖着狗到公園裏散步)。

問: Young people the world over know this(那是全球年輕人都知道的)這一句, young people the world over是什麼文法結構?

答: The world over是一副詞片語( adverbial phrase),修飾句子主詞( subject) young people。副詞片語不少是「介系詞( preposition)+名詞」,例如 in the park、 round the corner(在附近)等。讀者示下那一句,改寫作 Young people all over the world know this也可以。只是 the world over這寫法,把名詞倒置介系詞之前,比較特別而已。


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


問:以下兩句, comfortable之後為什麼一用 ing動詞,一用「 to+原形動詞( infinitive)」?( 1) Many people do not feel comfortable giving out their phone number(不少人都不大放心把自己的電話號碼給人家)。( 2) Flip-flops can be very comfortable to wear(人字拖鞋穿起來可以很舒適)。

答:讀者說的是兩個句式,不是 comfortable一字的特別用法。 Comfortable之外, bored、 busy、 fed up、 happy、 tired等形容詞,也常帶出 ing動詞,那 ing動詞說出句子的主詞( subject)在做什麼,例如:( 1) I was happy chatting with him(我和他聊天,感到很愉快)。( 2) He got fed up waiting for his girlfriend(他等待女朋友,等得不耐煩了)。( 3) He was never tired telling everyone his past glories(他見人就說自己往日多麼風光,從不厭倦)。

又 comfortable之外, easy、 difficult/ hard、 dangerous、 pleasant等形容詞,也常帶出「 to+原形動詞」,所說是句子主詞的性質,例如:( 1) He is easy/ difficult to get along with(他是個容易/不容易相處的人)。( 2) The fast-flowing river is dangerous to cross(那條河水流湍急,過河十分危險)。

問: He was able to make good his escape(他得以逃脫)這一句的 make good是什麼意思?

答: Make good兩字連用,有「實現」的意思,常見於 make good one's escape(逃脫)這片語,但也可用來說實現其他事情,例如: I dared him to make good his boast(他那樣誇口,我就叫他試試看,不要說得出做不到)。


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


問:七月三日貴欄把 tailor-make譯做「專為……定做」,「定」是不是應改為「訂」?又 physiotherapy今天譯做「物理治療」,但 physio應是指 physique(體格),不是 physics(物理學),怎麼無人倡議更正?


至於 physiotherapy,那 physio應不是指 physique。事實上,英文的 physio、 physique、 physics、 physical等字,都出自拉丁文的 physis,即「自然」( nature),所以 physical geographical或 physiogeograpy是「自然地理」。 Physical theraphy或 physiotherapy,據 Macmillan Contemporary Dictionary解釋,是 treatment of disease or injury by physical methods, as heat, massage, or exercise(用熱力、按摩、運動等自然方法治療傷病)。然則 physiotherapy也許可以譯做「自然療法」,但譯做「物理治療」應無不可,因為光和熱都是物理學課題,而 physiotherapy常用熱和光。又「物理」的基本意思,是「事物的道理」,例如杜甫《曲江》詩說:「細推物理須行樂,何用浮名絆此身?」依事物天然之理治療,就是「物理治療」。



Monday, July 26, 2010


In 1790, when the United States' capital was moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, President George Washington brought his own slave chef, Hercules, from his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon. But he faced a problem: Pennsylvania law stipulated that slaves be given their freedom after six months' residency. To get around this, Washington systematically rotated the President House slaves in and out of the state to prevent their establishing a six-month continuous residency. This rotation was itself a violation of Pennsylvania law, but the president's actions were not challenged.

Washington could be very brutal in treating his slaves, and one night Hercules escaped from Mount Vernon. Though Washington tried to have him captured, he was never found. Hercules' six-year-old daugher was reported to have said,"I am very glad, because Father is now free."




Sunday, July 25, 2010


During the American Revolutionary War, Lewis Nicola, a brigadier general in the American army, wrote a letter to the commander in chief, George Washington, on behalf of the army officers. He suggested to Washington that he become the"king of the United States."

From his headquarters in Newburgh, New York, Washington responded at once:"Be assured, Sir, no occurrence in the course of the War has given me more painful sensations than your information of there being such ideas existing in the Army as you have expressed.... Let me conjure you then, if you have any regard for your Country, concern for yourself or posterity, or respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your Mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or any one else, a sentiment of the like Nature." And thus, the hero of the war refused to be king.



【附注】舊式英文,名詞常用大寫,即使那名詞不是人名或地名。華盛頓回信中的 Sir、 War、 Army、 Country、 Mind、 Nature等字,今天一般會用小寫。


Saturday, July 24, 2010


問:新任英國首相卡梅倫曾經嘲笑對手克萊格,後來卻得和克萊格合組政府,被記者翻舊帳,回答說: If it means swallowing some humble pie, and if it means eating some of your words, I can't think of a more excellent diet。這句話是什麼意思?

答:首先要解釋一下成語 to eat humble pie和 to eat one's words。 To eat humble pie直譯是「吃謙卑的餡餅」,意思則是「低聲下氣認錯」或「包羞忍恥」。這成語出自中世紀,當時英國貴族喜歡獵鹿,美味的鹿肉( venison)自然供他們自己吃,鹿的內臟( numbles或 umbles)則給下人吃,所以 numble pie有「卑賤」含義。後來 numble訛傳作 humble,成為 to eat humble pie,例如: He declared that he would resign when he was not promoted. However, unable to get another job, he had to eat humble pie and stayed on(他不獲擢升,聲言會辭職,卻找不到另一分工作,唯有包羞忍恥,繼續做下去)。

To eat one's words看來和中文「食言」同義,但「食言」指言而無信, to eat one's words則是指「承認所言不當」,意思不同,例如: They say I will fail. I'll make them eat their words(他們說我會失敗。我要證明他們所言不當)。

中文沒有和 to eat humble pie、 to eat one's words取譬相同的成語,所以卡梅倫那一句,翻譯不可能傳神,只能勉強達意:「假如包羞忍恥、道歉認錯都是菜肴,那麼,我實在想不到有更加精美的菜單了。」


Friday, July 23, 2010


問: It is as though to millions he only exists on the net這一句, as though to millions是什麼意思?

答: As though是「似乎」的意思,也作 as if,例如:( 1) He looked as though/ as if he was tired(他看來似乎很疲倦)。( 2) She treats me as though/ as if I were a child(她把我當做小孩子般看待)。

Millions、 thousands等,可以指「數以百萬計/數以千計的人或物」,例如:( 1) It will cost millions(= millions of dollors) to carry out the experiment(要做這個實驗,得花很多百萬元)。( 2) Thousands(=thousands of people) were killed in the earthquake(地震死難者數以千計)。



答:「強化價值教育」六字,我字字都懂,但整句意思卻完全不懂;硬譯做英文想想,才恍然大悟: Strengthing value education: a sense of responsibility是也。 Value一字,本是指「觀念」和「看法」,例如 moral values是「道德觀」, social values是「社會觀念」, aesthetic values是「審美標準」等等。現代漢語把 value一律譯做「價值」或「價值觀」,於是有「強化價值教育」這樣高深莫測的說法。



Thursday, July 22, 2010


問: Take...for granted(視……為理所當然的)一語,是不是 take...for it is granted的縮略?假如不是,介系詞 for之後為什麼不用名詞或動名詞( gerund)?

答:回答這問題之前,不妨談談 take for。這動詞片語( phrasal verb)有「(錯誤)視為」的意思,例如;( 1) What do you take me for-- a slave?(你把我當作什麼─當作奴隸?)( 2) He is often taken for his twin brother(經常有人把他當作他的孿生兄弟)。

Take...for granted文法上不可改為 take...for it is granted,只可改為 take...for something(that is) granted,例如: He seemed to take my help for granted/ for something granted(他似乎認為,我幫忙是理所當然的)。

但 take...for granted並不是 take...for something granted的縮略。事實上, for解做「當作( as being)」的時候,其後常用形容詞或過去分詞( past participle,即 ed形式動詞),例如:( 1) After three days' search, the police gave up the surfer for dead(三天之後,警方停止搜索,認為那滑浪者應已死去)。( 2) The Holy Grail has long been given up for lost(耶穌最後晚餐所用聖杯,早就沒有希望尋回了)。( 3) I can't tell for certain/ for sure what he will do(我不能肯定他會做什麼)。

留意 for之後接形容詞或過去分詞,是一個特別用法。不解做「當作」的 for和其他介系詞( preposition)一樣,其後還是應用名詞或動名詞。所以 She is famous for her beauty(她以美麗著名)一語,就不可改寫作 She is famous for beautiful。


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being和 no

問: One should not be ashamed of being poor(我們不應以貧窮為羞恥)這一句, being是什麼詞類( part of speech),在句子裏有什麼用?

答:英文介系詞( preposition)之後,習慣用名詞或動名詞( gerund),例如「她以美麗著名」,英文不可譯做 She is famous for beautiful,形容詞 beautiful須改為名詞 her beauty;「謝謝你答應幫忙」也不可譯做 Thank you for agree to help,動詞 agree須改為動名詞 agreeing。

讀者示下那一句,介系詞 of之後不可用形容詞 poor。要更正,可用 poor的名詞 poverty,或在 poor之前用動名詞 being,即 One should not be ashamed of one's poverty/ of being poor。

留意形容詞或過去分詞( past participle,即 ed形式動詞),冠以 being,可作名詞用,例如:( 1) Being sacked is no pleasant experience(被炒魷魚,絕對不是愉快的事)。( 2) Being illiterate placed him at a great disadvantage(他不識字,這對他很不利)。

問: There are no boys/ is no boy in the room(房間裏沒有男孩子)這一句,哪個選擇正確?

答: No之後用可數( countable)或不可數( uncountable)名詞都可以。可數名詞多用複數形式,但假如所說人、物一般應是單數,則用單數形式,例如:( 1) The couple have no children(那對夫婦沒有兒女)。( 2) He has no heart(他冷酷無情)。

讀者說的句子,通常會用複數名詞: There are no boys in the room。


Tuesday, July 20, 2010



答:英文不會像現代漢語那樣,把婚姻視作雇傭關係。現代漢語所謂「第一任丈夫」、「第二任太太」等,英文簡簡單單稱為 one's first husband、 one's second wife,例如: Catherine Parr was HenryⅧ's sixth and last wife(凱莎淋.帕爾是亨利八世的第六個也是最後一個妻子)。


問: Four days is/ are not enough to repair the house(修葺這棟房子,四天並不足夠)這條選擇題,答案為什麼是 is?

答:說一個重量、長度、金額或一段時間等的片語( phrase),即使名詞是複數形式,一般當做一個單位來說,所以動詞也用單數形式,例如:( 1) Two miles isn't too far to walk(步行兩英里,不算太遠)。( 2) When you are in a dental chair, fifteen minutes is a very long time(在牙醫椅上,十五分鐘是很長的時間)。

愛爾蘭著名詩人葉慈( WB Yeats)寫過一齣戲劇 Diarmuid and Grania,其中有以下一句: But, dear Father, three days are not a long while to see you in, after seven years(但是,父親,已經過了七年,再過三天才見到你,也不算太久)。他以 are配 three days,大概沒有人敢說文法不對,但這個 are絕對可以改為 is。


Monday, July 19, 2010


Many atrocities were committed by the Americans during the invasion of Sicily in 1943. On 14 July, 36 prisoners of war were gunned down near Gela by their guard. US Sergeant Barry West. At Buttera airfield, US Captain Jerry Compton lined up his 43 prisoners against a wall, and machine-gunned them to death. West and Compton were both arrested and convicted of murder. They were sent to the front, where both were later killed in action.

After the town of Canicatti surrendered, some civilians were reported to be looting after they had entered a bombed out soap and food factory. At around 6 pm, an American officer and a group of soldiers entered the factory. The officer fired point-blank into the crowd, killing eight civilians. The atrocity was hushed up, and the perpetrator of the crime, Lieutenant Colonel McCaffrey, died in 1954.

一九四三年美軍攻佔西西里島期間,暴行不少。七月十四日,在傑拉附近,美軍巴里.韋斯特中士槍殺了他守 衞的三十六個戰俘。在布泰拉飛機場,美軍傑里.康普頓上尉要他手下的四十三個戰俘沿一道牆排開,然後用機關槍把他們射殺。韋斯特和康普頓後來被捕,判了謀殺罪,送到前線,戰死沙場。



Sunday, July 18, 2010


On 17 December 1944, a German SS Panzer Division encountered, near the town of Malmedy, Belgium, a small company of American soldiers. Armed with only rifles and other small arms, the Americans surrendered to the Nazi tank force. After being searched and relieved of weapons, the American prisoners were quickly marched into a field.

One of the few to survive, Bill Merriken said,"We stood there, hands over head. And then there was a German officer and he picked out a guy I knew. He pulled his pistol up and shot him. And I saw him fall. Then that is when machine guns started."

Eighty-six American prisoners of war were massacred at Malmedy that day. Merriken, who had three bullet wounds, two in his back and one in the back of his knee, hid under the bodies of his dead comrades for hours before he was able to make good his escape.

一九四四年十二月十七日,德國納粹黨 衞軍一個裝甲師在比利時馬爾梅蒂鎮附近,遇到一小連美軍。美軍只有來福槍和其他小型武器,唯有向納粹的坦克部隊投降。他們經搜身和解除武裝之後,馬上被帶到一片原野上。




Saturday, July 17, 2010

Some和 any

問:根據文法, some(一些)用於肯定句( positive statement), any(無論什麼、什麼都……)則用於否定句( negative statement)和問句,然則以下問句為什麼用 some,肯定句為什麼用 any?( 1) Can you show us some samples?(可以給我看些樣品嗎?)( 2) Any of the prizes will do(獎品任何一件都可以)。

答: Some用於肯定句, any用於否定句或問句,那大致是不錯的,例如:( 1) I have some stamps(我有些郵票)。( 2) I haven't any stamps(我沒有郵票)。( 3) Do you have any stamps?(你有沒有郵票?)

但是,提出要求的問題,一般用 some,不用 any,例如:( 1) Can I have some wine, please?(給我一些酒,好嗎?)( 2) Can you give me some help?(幫幫我好嗎?)讀者示下的第一句,就是這類問題。

此外,假如你提出問題時,預期對方的答案會是肯定的,那麼,也應用 some而不用 any,例如:( 1) Don't you have some stamps in your drawer?(你抽屜裏不是有些郵票嗎?)( 2) Would you like some wine?(喝些酒好嗎?)這兩句的 some都不可改為 any。 Do you want any wine?則是「你要不要喝酒?」的意思。

至於 any,假如是指「任何一個」或「無論哪個」,可以用在肯定句子裏,例如:( 1) Any pupil can answer this question(任何一個學生,都可以回答這個問題)。( 2) You may borrow any of these books(這些書,你要借任何一本都可以)。讀者說的第二句,就是這類肯定句。


Friday, July 16, 2010


問:小女的英文作業有以下一句: My grandfather and grandmother are fat, and their hair is white(我祖父母都很胖,頭髮也都白了),既是說兩人的頭髮, hair為什麼不加 s?

答: Hair指「所有頭髮」,是不可數名詞( uncountable noun),無論長在多少人頭上,都不可加 s。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 barber一字的注釋是 a person whose job is to cut men's hair(給男人剪髮者),複數的 men之後, hair也不加 s。其他不可數名詞的用法也是一樣,例如: The equipment of the two laboratories is somewhat outdated(兩個實驗室的設備,都稍覺落伍)。句中的 equipment和 is不可改為 equipments和 are。

留意 hair假如是指「一根頭髮」,則是可數名詞( countable noun)。 My grandfather and grandmother both have white hairs是說「我祖父母都有些白頭髮」,即頭髮斑白,和 They both have white hair(兩人都頭髮全白)不同。

問:要表示感激別人關懷,說 Thank you for your concern,是不是中式英文?

答:今天,香港不少人似乎很喜歡批評人家寫的無非「中式英文」,也許是要表示自己的英文不但文法正確,而且完全地道。我希望讀者不要理會這些英文高手的評論。美國出版的一本 Business Letters for Busy People第七章一封道謝信範文,就以 Thank you for your concern...一語作結。當然,你也可以說 I am truly grateful for your concern等等,但這並不比 Thank you for your concern「地道」。


Thursday, July 15, 2010


問:貴欄日前有 Ten students attended yesterday's activity(昨天的活動,有十個學生參加)一語, yesterday只是時間,怎麼可以和表示「擁有」的撇號( apostrophe)連用?

答:撇號除了表示「擁有」,還可以表示「什麼時間」和「多久的時間」。請看第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 date和 holiday條下例句:( 1) Write today's date at the top of the page(把今天的日期寫在本頁上端)。( 2) The package includes 20 days' paid holiday a year(整套條件包括每年二十天有薪假期)。謹再舉兩個例子供讀者參考:( 1) Have you read last week's Time magazine?(你有沒有讀過上星期的《時代》雜誌?)( 2) Because of engine trouble, there was three hours' delay(由於引擎故障,耽誤了三小時)。

問: It is not an easy task和 It is no easy task這兩句,意思有分別嗎?

答:兩句都是說「那不是容易的工作」,但 no的語氣比 not a強,所以,第二句可以譯做「那絕對不是容易的工作」。同樣道理, He is not a fool、 He is not a teacher等,只是說「他不是獃子」、「他不是教師」, He is no fool則是說「他絕對不儍」,換言之,「他很精明」; He is no teacher則是說「他根本不勝任教師的工作」,無論他是不是教師,這句話都合用。 That little boy is not taller than three foot是說「那小男孩高不過三英尺」,無非簡單的陳述; That man is no taller than three foot則是說「那個男人身高竟然不過三英尺」,說時或帶驚奇意味。


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


問:今天是七月十四日星期三,說 next Friday,究竟是指七月十六日的星期五,還是七月二十三日的星期五?

答: Next Friday即「下一個的星期五」,所以,讀者所說期間的 next Friday,嚴格而言,應是七月十六日。不過,這樣的說法恐怕會令人誤會,以為是七月二十三日。

事實上,假如今天是星期三,英文很少用 next Friday、 next saturday等說即將來臨的星期五、星期六等。例如「我約了這個星期五去看牙醫」,英文通常會說 I have an appointment with the dentist this Friday/ on Friday/ this coming Friday。而假如約了下星期五,則會說: I have an appointment with the dentist on Friday next week/ on Friday week/ a week on Friday。

問:要表示「不用客氣」, Don't worry、 Don't mention it、 I'm fine等,哪個說法最好?

答: I'm fine是回答人家問候時說的,不是「不用客氣」的意思,例如:"How are you?""(I'm) Fine, thanks."(「你好嗎?」「很好,謝謝你。」)

「不用客氣」是回答道謝的用語,英文有多個類似說法,沒有人能夠決定哪個「最好」,例如:"Thank you for all the trouble you've taken.""Don't mention it/ Don't worry about it/ Not at all/ That's all right/ It's a pleasure/ My pleasure/ You're welcome/ No problem."(「真的有勞你了。」「不用客氣。」)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


問:(The) selling prices of(the) products are determined by our management(產品的售價,由管理層決定)這一句,假如是說我們公司所有產品,兩個 the是不是都不該用?

答:這問題涉及 the字用法兩個準則。第一,甲名詞之後,假如有「 of+乙名詞」,那麼,甲名詞一般要冠以 the,例如 the number of students(學生人數)、 the length of a boa constrictor(大蟒蛇長度)等。

第二,說某個團體的所有人、物,名詞一般冠以 the;說其中的若干人、物,則不用 the,例如:( 1) The students rose to their feet when the headmaster entered the hall(校長走進大堂的時候,學生都站起來)。( 2)"Students who break the school rules will be punished," said the headmaster(校長說:「違反校規的學生,會受到懲罰。」)

讀者示下那一句,說公司的所有產名, products之前自然應加 the; selling prices之後有「 of+名詞」,所以,冠詞 the也不能不用。

問:「謹附上報價單」應說 Please find the attached quotation、 Please find attached the quotation還是 Please find attached quotation?

答:論文法,第一、二句都正確,改寫為 Attached please find the/ our quotation也可以。不過, Please find attached...或 Enclosed please find...這樣的句式頗嫌僵硬老套,最好改為 We/ I attach(或 enclose) our/ the quotation for your consideration之類,讀起來自然得多。


Monday, July 12, 2010

決 鬥

In 1793, the Prussian officers of the garrison of Colberg established an economical mess. They observed one day an old major of hussars, who was covered with the scars of wounds received in the Seven Years' War. The conversation turned on duels.

A young stout-built cornet began to prate in an authorative tone on the subject."And you, major, how many duels have you fought?"

"None, thank heaven," answered the old major."I have 14 wounds, and, heaven be praised, there is not one in my back."

"But you shall fight a duel with me," said the cornet, reaching across to give him a blow. The major, agitated, was getting up when all the other officers present cried,"Don't stir, major!" The officers joined in seizing the cornet. They threw him out at the window, and sat down again to table as if nothing had occurred.

一七九三年,科爾伯格 衞戍部隊的普魯士軍官成立廉價食堂。有一天,他們看見一個年長的輕騎兵少校,身上滿是七年戰爭期間所受傷疤。大家漸漸談到決鬥。




Sunday, July 11, 2010

上 訴

Like his son Alexander the Great, PhilipⅡ was famed for his love of drink. One day, rising from an entertainment at which he had sat some hours, he was asked by a woman to hear her cause. He complied with her request, but upon her saying some things that were not very agreeable to him, he gave sentence against her.

The woman promptly but calmly replied,"Then I appeal."

"To whom?" Philip asked.

"From Philip drunk, to Philip sober," said the woman.

The manner in which Philip received this answer was worthy of a great prince. He afterwards gave the cause a second hearing, found the injustice of his sentence, and condemned himself to make it good.






【附注】 PhilipⅡ was famed的 famed字,改為 famous也可以。兩字用法、意思都沒有分別。


Saturday, July 10, 2010


問:貴欄日前有 Now I am come(現在我來了)一語,《聖經.出埃及記》第十五章也有 He is become my salvation(他成為我的救星)一語。 Am come、 is become這樣的說法,是怎麼用的?

答:英文有時會用 be的現在式 is、 am、 are和過去式 was、 were取代現在或過去完成式的 have、 has和 had。換言之, Now I am come和 He is become my salvation等於 Now I have come和 He has become my salvation。這 am come、 is become等,多見於舊式英文,現在殘存於較隨便的口頭英文。例如餐廳服務員問顧客: Are you finished, sir?(= Have you finished, sir?先生,你吃完了嗎?) Do、 go、 come等字,有時也用這句式,例如: He was gone(= He had gone他走了)。這句式不是被動語態( passive voice),也不是所有動詞都可以用,我認為讀者應該認識,以免見到時視為錯誤,但大可不必學寫。畢竟用 have、 had等的完成式動詞,是今天較「正宗」的寫法。

問: Opinion(意見)和 opinions有什麼分別?

答: Opinions當然是 opinion的複數形式,例如英文有一句成語說「人多主意多」: So many men, so many opinions。不過, in one's opinion(某人認為)、 be of( the) opinion(認為)、 public opinion(輿論)這三個固定說法,那 opinion循例不用複數形式,例如:( 1) In my opinion, he is right/ I am of opinion that he is right(我認為他是對的)。( 2) Public opinion is against him(輿論對他不利)。


Friday, July 9, 2010

早一站下車、 evil-adverbiously

問:「他想多做運動,早一個站下巴士,步行回家」這一句,英文怎樣翻繹?「早一個站下巴士」是不是 to get off the bus a stop earlier?

答:「提早」的英文說法是 early,不用比較級 earlier。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》 early條就有以下例句: The bus was ten minutes early(巴士早到了十分鐘)。讀者示下那句中文,可以翻譯如下: To take more exercise, he got off the bus one stop early and walked home。

問:狄更斯《雙城記》第二章說,男主角被控向法王路易出賣英國軍事秘密,起訴書說( He) wickedly, falsely, traitorously, and otherwise evil-adverbiously,( revealed) to Lewis what forces our King had in preparation to send to Canada。 Evil-adverbiously一詞是什麼意思?

答: Wickedly(邪惡地)、 falsely(不誠實地)、 traitorously(賣國地)等,都是有「不道德( evil)」含義的副詞( adverb),所以狄更斯自創 evil-adverbiously(不道德含義副詞地)一詞。句子的意思如下:「他邪惡地、不誠實地、賣國地以及……地(其他有不道德含義的副詞)向路易透露我王準備派往加拿大軍隊的情況。」那 evil-adverbiously一詞,當然有諷刺含義,嘲諷起訴書一味堆砌副詞或形容詞。讀十八、十九世紀英國文學,經常會見到類似的諷刺手法。這手法英文稱為 irony。



Thursday, July 8, 2010


問: Perhaps和 may be有什麼分別?

答: Perhaps和 may都有「可能」的意思,但 perhaps是副詞( adverb), may則是助動詞( auxiliary verb),其後可用 be、 go、 agree等任何動詞。 Perhaps he is/ was right(也許他是對的)、 Perhaps he will agree(他可能同意)這兩句,可用 may改寫如下:( 1) He may be/ may have been right。( 2) He may agree。

留意合成一字的 maybe,則和 perhaps一樣是副詞,意思也和 perhaps無別,只是語氣較為隨便,多見於口頭,例如: Perhaps/ Maybe my trunk is heavier than yours(也許我的大提箱比你的重)。


答:「絕筆」有三個意思,一是「從此停筆不寫」,可譯做 to give up writing for ever;一是「絕妙的文章或圖畫」,可譯做 a piece of writing/ a painting unsurpassed in excellence;一是「死前所寫文字」,可譯做 one's last piece of writing/ one's last written words。例如「孔子絕筆於獲麟」,英文可以說: Confucius gave up writing for ever upon the capture of the Chinese unicorn。

「擱筆」直譯是 to lay down one's pen,可以和「絕筆」一樣,指「從此停筆不寫」,也可以指偶然一次的停止寫作,可譯做 to stop writing。「崔顥題詩,而李白擱筆」,英文可以說: Tsui Hao's poem was so good that Li Po laid down his pen。崔顥的《黃鶴樓》詩,令李白不敢復詠黃鶴樓,這故事十分有名。


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


問: A total of 300 passengers were/ was killed(總計有三百乘客喪命)這一句,應用 were還是 was?

答:「 A total of+複數形式名詞」應配複數形式動詞 were、 have等,謹再舉一例: A total of 275 workers have gone on strike(罷工的工人共有二百七十五個)。留意 the total是指「一個總數」,則應配單數形式動詞,例如: The total is 17(總數是十七)。

A number of(有些)和 the number(一個數目)的用法,與 a total of和 the total相同,例如:( 1) A number of elephants were massacred by poachers(有些大象被偷獵者屠殺了)。( 2) The number of elephants is lamentably decreasing(大象的數目減少,情況可哀)。

問:讀報紙,見到 a Secondary Five student這說法,和 Form Five student有分別嗎?

答:「中五學生」叫 Secondary Five student,就像「小五學生」叫 Primary Five student一樣。只是香港人多叫中一至中六學生做 Form One student、 Form Six student等,讀者才會對 Secondary Five student這說法感到陌生。 Form Five student等還可以叫做 fifth-form student或 fifth former,例如: A sixth former, he is sitting the matriculation examination this year(他讀中六,今年將參加大學入學試)。

問: Disposable現在常見譯做「一次性使用的」,先生認為貼切嗎?

答: Disposable有「可丟棄」的意思,「一次性使用」沒有把這個意思譯出,「性」字更覺惡俗,竊以為不如譯做「一用即棄的」。


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


問: A university graduate majored in science(主修理科的大學畢業生)中 majored一字,有書本說應改為 majoring,為什麼?

答:兩個說法其實都不妥當。第一,大學生可以主修物理、化學、生物等等,一般不會主修泛泛的「理科」。第二,「主修物理/音樂的大學畢業生」英文習慣說 a graduate in physics/ music等,根本不會用 major一字。
然則「主修物理的大學生」應該怎麼說?答案是 a university student majoring in physics。英文常用 ing動詞,取代「 who/ which/ that+主動語態( active voice)動詞」,例如 a policy that concerns us all(關乎我們所有人的政策)、 a man who was sitting there(坐在那裏的一個男人)等,可略作 a policy concerning us all和 a man sitting there。 A university majoring in physics等於 a university student who is majoring in physics。

「 Who/ which that+被動語態( passive voice)動詞」,才可用 ed形式動詞取代,例如 a girl who is neglected by her parents(被父母忽略的女孩)、 the terms that have been agreed on(大家同意的條件)等,可略作 a girl neglected by her parents和 the terms agreed on。 Major(主修)是個不及物動詞( intransitive verb),不可用被動語態,所以「我認識一個主修物理的大學生」英文可說 I know a university student majoring in physcis,不可說 majored in physics。另一個說法是 I know a physics major:這個 major作名詞用,指「主修……的大學生」。


Monday, July 5, 2010


When the Saracens besieged the Italian city of Beneventum in 874, the Lombards decided to seek the help of the Greeks. A fearless citizen dropped from the walls, and accomplished his mission to Greece. As he was returning to Beneventum, he fell into the hands of the Saracens. They commanded him to deceive his countrymen, with the assurance that wealth and honours should be the reward of his sincerity, and that his falsehood would be punished with immediate death. He agreed.

But as soon as he was conducted within hearing of the Lombards on the rampart, he cried out,"Friends and brethren, be bold and patient, maintain the city. Your deliverers are at hand. I know my doom, and commit my wife and children to your gratitude." He was killed on the spot.



【附注】 At hand是「在附近」或「即將到來」的意思,例如: He believes that the end of the world is at hand(他認為世界末日即將到來)。


Sunday, July 4, 2010


The Battle of Marathon was fought in 490 BC, when the Persians became enervated by luxury and servitude, and the Athenians were animated by their freedom. In this battle, 9,000 Athenians defeated the invading army of 25,000 Persians, and pursued them to their very ships, of which they took seven.

One Cynegirus, after performing prodigies of valour in the field, endeavoured to prevent a Persian galley from putting to sea. He held it fast with his right hand; when his right hand was cut off, he seized the galley with his left, which being also cut off, he fought the enemy with his teeth until he was killed. Another soldier, all covered with the blood of the enemy, ran the 26 miles from the battlefield to Athens to announce the victory. After crying out,"Rejoice, we are conquerors!" he fell dead.





Saturday, July 3, 2010


問: She tailor-make everything for her daughter(她什麼都按女兒需求製作)這一句, tailor-make之後要不要加 s?

答: Tailor-make這個動詞,是從形容詞 tailor-made(專為……定做)「逆構」而成的。所謂逆構法( back formation),是把一些字的字尾( suffix)刪改,構成新的字,例如 laze(懶散過日)、 babysit(充任臨時保姆)、 typewrite(打字)等,從 lazy(懶惰)、 babysitter(臨時保姆)、 typewriter(打字機)等字逆構而成。逆構而成的動詞,和普通動詞一樣按時式、人稱等變化,例如 babysit有 babysits、 babysat、 babysitting等變體( inflection)。讀者示下那一句,用現在式,動詞應作 tailor-makes;用過去式,則應作 tailor-made。

問:連字號( hyphen)怎麼用?為什麼 water-resistant(防水的)用連字號, water resistance(防水)卻不用?

答:連字號用法很多,拙欄也談過,這裏不能一一複述。兩三字合成的複合字( compound word),不少用不用連字號都可以,例如 babysitter也有字典寫作 baby-sitter,不能說哪個寫法不對。假如不能肯定某個複合字的寫法,最好查查字典,就以那本字典的寫法為準。

一般而言,「名詞+形容詞」合成的形容詞,用在名詞之前,會加連字號,否則就不加,例如: This watch is water resistant/ This is a water-resistant watch(這是個防水的手錶)。 Water resistance只是兩個名詞連用,不構成一個特別的字,通常就不用連字號,例如: The watch was tested for water resistance(那隻手錶受過防水測試)。


Friday, July 2, 2010


問: I find a man cutting a chain lock securing the bicycle(我看見一個男人正在切斷鎖着腳踏車的鏈鎖)這一句,我的英文老師說不對,應怎樣改寫呢?

答:這一句文法其實沒有錯: find之後可用「受詞( object)+ ing動詞」,而「關係代名詞( relative pronoun)+完整動詞( full verb)」也往往可用一 ing動詞或 ed形式動詞取代,例如:( 1) I saw a girl wearing(= who wore) a blue skirt standing there(我看見一個穿藍色裙的女孩站在那裏)。( 2) I found myself pondering over the problem(我發覺自己在思考那個問題)。讀者把上述兩個 ing寫法合用在一句之中,他的老師大概是覺得讀起來有點奇怪,所以認為不對。假如把 securing改為 that secures,他的老師大概就不會有異議。

問:以下兩句,動詞應用過去式還是現在完成式?( 1) I resigned/ have resigned as the company director on 1 January 2010/ as of 1 January 2010。( 2) When I joined the company, I thought I could gain rapid advancement. But that turned out/ has turned out not to be the case. Today, I am still a junior staff member.

答:第一句是說「我二○一○年一月一日辭去公司董事職位」,所述是過去某一天的事,而不是由( as of)過去某一天到現在的事,所以動詞應用過去式 resigned,介系詞則應用 on。
第二句是說「我加入公司時,以為可以迅速晉升,但事與願違,我現在還是個低級職員」,所述是加入公司至今的發展,所以動詞應用現在完成式 has turned out。


Thursday, July 1, 2010


問: The star did not speak and left escorted by his manager(那明星沒有說話,由經理人護送離去)一語, left和 escorted兩個動詞連用,有沒有錯?

答: Left escorted這結構,嚴格而言,不是「動詞+動詞」,而是「動詞+分詞( participle,即 ing或 ed形式動詞)」。 Stand、 sit、 lie、 go、 run等動詞,其後用分詞的情況尤其常見,表達的是兩個同時進行的動作,例如:( 1) He stood petrified with fear(他嚇呆了,站着不能動)。( 2) She lay there dreaming of her youthful days(她躺在那裏,想着年輕的日子)。

問:貴欄有 He had the maid shine his shoes(他叫女傭給他把鞋子擦亮)一句,兩個動詞 had和 shine可以連用嗎?

答:「動詞+受詞( object)+原形動詞( infinitive)」這結構,只限某些動詞可用,常見的有( 1) feel、 see、 hear、 notice、 observe、 watch;( 2) let、 have、 make、 bid這兩組動詞。第一組有「感覺、看見或聽到」含義,第二組有「讓、使、叫(某人做某事)」含義。例如:( 1) I watched him go(我看着他離去)。( 2) Bid him come here(叫他來這裏)。

此外, help一字之後,除了可用「 to+原形動詞」,也可只用原形動詞,例如: She helped me( to) solve the problem(她幫助我解決那問題)。

【代郵】 Mike Lam先生:英國作家奧威爾( George Orwell)之 Animal Farm,文筆以精煉明白見稱,倘要「熟讀一本英文書以學習英文」,僕認為此書當屬首選。


Wednesday, June 30, 2010


問:巴士上,聽到 We will soon be arriving at Tuen Mun(我們即將到達屯門)一語;列車站上,又聽到 The train to Hong Kong is arriving(往香港之列車即將到達)一語。那 will be arriving和 is arriving有什麼分別?未來進行式( future continuous tense)是怎樣用的? We will soon be arriving at Tuen Mun可不可改為 We will soon arrive at Tuen Mun?

答:未來進行式常用來說一些已有安排或按照慣例會發生的事,例如:( 1) We will be having roast pigeon for dinner(我們晚飯會吃烤鴿子)。( 2) The dog will be waiting for him at the usual time(那隻狗會和平常一樣,在那個時候等他)。巴士即將到站,是已定的安排,所以用 will be arriving。

說未來, is arriving這樣的現在進行式( present continuous tense)和未來進行式用法差不多。有時,這兩種時式會用在一起。在那樣的句子裏,未來進行式所說的事,發生時間一般會晚於現在進行式所說的事,例如: He is going to school for one more year, and then he will be going to university(他多上一年中學之後,就會上大學)。

至於 We will soon arrive at Tuen Mun,意思是「我們會很快去到屯門」。這話沒有「已安排好」含義,只是說未來的事,例如: Take a taxi, and we will soon arrive at Tuen Mun(我們搭的士,很快就可以去到屯門)。


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


問: A total of ten students attended yesterday's activity(昨天的活動,共有十個學生參加)這一句,是不是不可改寫為 Totally ten students attended yesterday's activity?

答:說「總計」,一般是說 a total of或 in total,但說 totally也可以,例如美國賓夕凡尼亞州立大學出版社的 Puritan Poets and Poetics書中有以下一句: The first edition of this poem, totally eight hundred copies, was exhausted within one year of the printing(那詩篇第一版共八百本,出版一年之內售罄)。那 totally eight hundred copies改為 a total of eight hundred copies或 eight hundred copies in total也可以。

留意 totally最好還是用來說「完全」,例如: That is totally unnecessary(那是完全不必要的)。

問: I would like to draw your attention/ yours attention to the conclusion of the report(敬請注意報告之結論)一語,應用 your還是 yours?

答: Yours是代名詞,不可帶出 attention之類名詞,正確說法當然是 your attention。讀者大概是因為英文書信常用 Yours sincerely/ faithfully等寫法,所以認為 yours attention也可能正確。其實 Yours sincerely等,無非是舊式英文書信結尾語的縮略, Yours sincerely等於 I am, sir, sincerely your friend/ your humble servant(我誠誠懇懇是你的朋友/你卑微的僕人),那 yours即 your friend、 your humble servant等。 Yours、 hers、 mine這些代名詞,文法上等於「 your/ her/ my+名詞」,一般用來避免重複一個字,例如: Is this watch yours?(= Is this watch your watch?這隻手錶是你的嗎?)


Monday, June 28, 2010


On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily. The failing light was such that observation by periscope could not be relied on, and the Upholder's listening gear was out of order. Still, Wanklyn decided to press home his attack at short range.

Wanklyn closed in. As he was about to fire, one of the enemy destroyers suddenly appeared out of the darkness at high speed, and he only just avoided being rammed. Then he brought his periscope sights on and fired torpedoes, which sank a large troop ship. The enemy destroyers at once made a strong counterattack, but with coolness and skill Wanklyn brought the Upholder safe back to harbour.

Wanklyn was killed along with his crew when his submarine was sunk in April 1942.





Sunday, June 27, 2010


It was customary with French marshal Bassompierre( 1579-1646), when any of his soldiers were brought before him for heinous offences, to say to them,"Brother, you or I will certainly be hanged." This was a sufficient declaration of their fate.

A spy, who was discovered in Bassompierre's camp, was addressed in this language. The next day, as he was about to be led to the gallows, he pressed earnestly to speak with the marshal.

When introduced, the marshal asked him what he had to say."Why, my lord," said the culprit,"when I first had the honour of your conversation, you were pleased to say that either you or I should be hanged. Now I am come to know whether it is your pleasure to be so, because, if you won't, I must. That's all." The marshal, pleased with the fellow's humour, ordered his release.





Saturday, June 26, 2010


問: The relatives and friends of the two girls killed in the crash attended the ritual(死於撞車事故的兩名女郎的親友,出席了儀式)這一句, killed可不可以改為 being killed?

答: The two girls killed in the crash是 the two girls who were killed in the crash的縮略, killed不可改為 being killed。這個縮略法十分常見,例如:( 1) The reward is commensurate with the risk( that is) involved(報酬和所冒風險相等)。( 2) The rings and watches( which were) displayed were all very expensive(展出的戒指、手錶都很昂貴)。

英文的 ing動詞,一般有「正在進行」含義,例如: I heard the screams of the two girls( who were) being tortured(我聽見那兩個正受酷刑的女郎尖叫)。讀者說的那一句, killed假如改為 being killed,似是說那兩個女郎正在死亡,那當然不對。

問:「今年的五月,是四十年來最涼的五月」這一句,譯做英文,可不可以說 The May of this year is the coolest one since the Junes of the past 40 years?

答:「今年的五月」,說時應已過去,所以讀者那句翻譯的動詞宜用過去式 was,不用 is;而 since(自從)一字也用得不妥當。全句可改正如下: The May of this year was the coolest( one) in the past 40 years。假如要用 since一字,則可從今年起倒算四十年至一九七○年,而以 since 1970取代 in the past 40 years。


Friday, June 25, 2010


問: Partially、 partly二字,用法有分別嗎?

答: Partly、 partially都有「部分」、「不完全」的意思,兩字有時通用,例如:( 1) When he died, the work was only partly/ partially completed(他去世時,工作只是做好了一部分)。( 2) The mistake was due partly/ partially to his inexperience(錯誤的原因之一,是他缺乏經驗)。

Partly、 partially的主要分別,在於 partly多指可分辨的部分, partially則多指「某個程度上」,例如:( 1) His hair was dyed partly green and partly red(他的頭髮部分染成綠色,部分染成紅色)。( 2) I am only partially convinced that he has told the truth(我並不完全相信他說了事情的真相)。

問:有畢業學生會邀請老師出席畢業晚宴,請柬上寫 All teachers are sincerely invited to a graduation party in honour of the graduates on( date) at( venue),那是說向教師還是畢業生致敬?

答:那一句是說「謹邀請所有老師某月某日蒞臨(地點),出席向畢業生致敬的畢業宴會」。以畢業生名義說這樣的話,當然不恰當,可改寫如下: All teachers are cordially invited to share in our joy as we celebrate our graduation on( date) at( venue)(我們將於某月某日假(地點)慶祝畢業,敬請所有老師蒞臨同樂)。 A dinner party in honour of the graduates這寫法,宜出於第三者手筆,例如大學請人出席其名譽畢業生賀宴: You are cordially invited to a dinner party in honour of our honorary graduates on( date) at( venue)。


Thursday, June 24, 2010


問: Please note that flush water supply to all floors has resumed normal(各層沖廁水供應已恢復正常,謹此奉告)這一句, normal一字是不是多餘的?

答:「沖廁水」英文一般不叫做 flush water,宜改為 water for flushing the toilet:「恢復正常」譯做 resume normal也很古怪。整句最好改寫如下: Please note that the supply of water to all floors for flushing the toilet has returned to normal/ has been restored。 Has been restored之後,文法上可加 to normal,但那的確有點「多餘」。

問: Despite she knew that the date of birth on the I.D. card was wrong, she did not correct it(她雖然知道身分證上的出生日期有誤,卻不更正)這一句,為什麼讀起來似乎有點不妥當?

答: Despite(= in spite of雖然、儘管)是介系詞( preposition),而介系詞之後必須用名詞或動名詞( gerund),不可用普通子句( clause),所以不能說 Despite she knew that等等。讀者說的那一句,要改正,可在 despite之後加 the fact這個名詞,也可把 knew改為動名詞,即 Despite her knowing(或 Despite the fact that she knew) that the date of birth on the I.D. card was wrong, she did not correct it。留意「 Despite the fact that+子句」雖然文法正確,但頗嫌累贅,可以的話,就不要用這句式,例如可用 though取代 despite,即 though she knew that the date of birth等等。這樣,句子意思不變,說起來卻簡單自然。


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


問:法國麥當勞快餐店一輯有同性戀含義的廣告說: Come as you are。是什麼意思呢?

答: Come as you are直譯是「像你現在這樣來就行了」。換言之,你可以很自然,很隨便,保持自己本色,不必裝扮。例如邀請朋友出席晚宴,你可以說: This is not a formal dinner party. So please come as you are(這不是個隆重晚宴,穿便服來就可以了)。
As someone/ something is(就以目前這樣子)的說法,還可用於其他情況,例如: The landlord refused to make any repairs, and I had to rent the house as it was(房東完全不肯修葺,房子我只能照當時那樣子租下來)。

問:德國作家哥德說: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free。這一句應怎樣翻譯?要說「有些人在政改問題上被共產黨『和諧了』,是民主的最大敵人」,也可用哥德這句式,說 None are more harmful to democracy...嗎?

答:哥德那一句,可譯做「有些人為隸為奴,還自以為無拘無束,是最不可救藥的奴隸」。至於讀者那句中文,說的當然是香港那個中共新寵「民主黨」,可譯做 None are more harmful to democracy(或 No enemy to democracy is greater) than those who, on the issue of political changes, are"harmonised" by the communists。

【代郵】 Sam Or先生:觀「民主黨」近月所作所為,先生實不必因「有朋友,長輩為飲為食而參加支持政改遊行」痛心。世情慣見,何事不可付諸一笑。


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


問:年前,美國老政客基辛格論國務卿賴斯,有以下一句,是什麼意思呢?— Despite recent progress. Rice is too much a student of history not to know that we have witnessed but the first scene of a play in many acts。

答: Too... to do something意思是「由於太……而不能做某事」,例如: He is too careful( a man) to do it/ not to do it(他為人十分小心,不會做/不會不做那樣的事)。基辛格那句話上半截就是用這句式。
句子下半截的 but,和 only或「僅僅」同義,例如: The president is but a man, not a superman(總統只是個人,不是超人)。 Scene、 act則都是戲劇用語:通常一齣戲分多幕( act),一幕分多場( scene),例如: The Tempest is a play in five acts(《暴風雨》這齣戲分五幕)。


答:「瀟灑走一回」這句流行語,似乎很優雅很有哲理,實際說的是什麼,我這個不瀟灑的人完全猜不到,無法翻譯。那個「瀟灑」,應是指做事漂亮而輕鬆,等於英文 panache,例如: The model walked down the catwalk with great panache(那模特兒在天橋上走,表現十分瀟灑)。


Monday, June 21, 2010


When Frederick the Great of Prussia built the Palace of Sans Souci, there happened to be a mill which greatly limited him in the execution of his plan. Frederick offered to pay the miller any sum he might demand for it, and besides to build him a mill in a better place. The miller, however, was determined to preserve the inheritance of his ancestors, and would not sell the mill.

Irritated at his resistance, the king sent for the miller, and said,"Do you know that I could take the mill without giving you a farthing?""Yes," replied the miller,"if it were not for the chamber of justice at Berlin."

The king was greatly flattered with this answer, which showed that he was incapable of an act of injustice. He dismissed the miller, and changed the plan of his palace.





Sunday, June 20, 2010


The quarrel between Alexander the Great and Darius, the Persian king, originated in Alexander's refusing to pay the tribute of golden eggs to which his father had agreed. Darius sent to Alexander's court an ambassador, who delivered to Alexander a bat, a ball, and a bag of very small seed. The bat and ball were meant to throw a ridicule on Alexander's youth, being fit amusement for his age, the bag of seed was an emblem of the Persian army, being innumerable.

Alexander ordered a fowl to be brought. He took the bat and ball into his hands, and said,"This is the emblem of my power, with which I strike the ball of your monarch's dominion, and this fowl will show you what a morsel your army will prove to mine." The seed was instantly eaten up; and Alexander gave a wild melon to the ambassador, the taste of which, he said, would enable Darius to judge of the bitter fare which awaited him.


