Wednesday, September 1, 2010


問: Why was Susan afraid?(蘇珊為什麼害怕?)這問題,假如答以( It was) Because she saw a ghost(因為她見到鬼魂),句子算不算完整?要不要改為 She was afraid because she saw a ghost?

答:用 why提出的問題,回答可逕用 because起句,不算是「不完整句子」( incomplete sentence)。第四版《朗文當代英文辭典》以及 Cambridge International Dictionary of English because條下就有以下例句:( 1)"Why can't I go?" "Because you're not old enough."(「我為什麼不能去?」「因為你年紀太輕。」)( 2)"Why did you do it?" "Because Carlos told me to."(「你為什麼做這件事?」「因為卡洛斯叫我做。」)讀者示下那一句, Because之前不必加 It was,更不必像小學生學答問題那樣,說 She was afraid because she saw a ghost。

Since、 as二字,也可解作「因為」,但一般不可以像 because那樣獨立成句,例如要回答 Why was Susan afraid?不可說 Since/ As she saw a ghost。這是慣用法,不可解釋。

問:「請不要唱歌,可以嗎?」英文可不可譯做 Please don't sing, can you?

答:以 Don't開頭的祈使句( imperative),有要求合作或警告、提醒含義,附加問句( tag question)習慣用 will you,不用 can you,例如:( 1) Don't smoke, will you?(不要吸煙,好嗎?)( 2) Don't forget it, will you?(不要忘了啊。)讀者說的那一句,也應用 will you,不用 can you。



Tuesday, August 31, 2010



答:「動」一般指「體力活動多」,英文可譯做 active或 physically active;「靜」則指「不多走動」,英文是 sedentary。 Sedentary本義是「坐着的」,例如:( 1) Those in sedentary occupations should take some exercise every day(案頭工作者,經常坐着,應每天都做些運動)。( 2) He is a sedentary person(他是個不好動的人)。「我這個人動靜皆宜」可譯做 I am one who enjoys both physical and sedentary activities或 An active lifestyle suits me as much as a sedentary one。

「鎮靜劑」英文是 sedative,和 sedentary同出一源。

問: As different as they were, they shared something in common這一句, as different as they were是什麼意思?

答:子句( clause)假如以「形容詞( adjective)/副詞( adverb)+ as」起句,那 as可解作「雖然」或「儘管」,等於 though,例如:( 1)( As) strange as/ strange though it may seem(= Though it may seem strange), he can't swim a stroke(說來似乎難以置信,但他完全不會游泳)。( 2) I won't recommend him for the post,( as) much as/ much though I like him(= Though I like him very much)(我雖然喜歡他,卻不會推薦他擔任這職位)。用兩個 as的寫法,多見於美式英文。

讀者說的那一句,意思等於 Though they were different, they shared something in common(他們雖然很不同,有一點卻是相同的)。


Monday, August 30, 2010


It was to British author Lady Mary Montagu that Europe was first indebted for the introduction of inoculation against smallpox.

When Lady Mary was in Turkey, she discovered the local practice of inoculation against smallpox-- variolation. Unlike Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself. Perfectly satisfied of its efficacy, she had her three-year-old son inoculated in 1717.

On her return to London, she enthusiastically promoted the procedure, but encountered a great deal of resistance from the medical establishment because it was an"Oriental" practice and because of her gender. However, the British royal family had their own children inoculated. The nobility soon followed the example, and the practice gradually extended among all ranks, and to all Europe.



【附注】金納( 1749-1823)是英國醫生,發明牛痘接種法。蒙塔古夫人自己曾患天花,玉貌留瑕。


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Jane de Belleville was a French noblewoman. In 1343, when her husband, Oliver, was beheaded by the king of France on unauthenticated suspicion of treason, Jane sold off her estates, bought three warships, and took to the English Channel. She proceeded to hunt down French ships, and was utterly merciless with the crews of the ships she captured.

Jane also made several descents on Normandy, whose inhabitants saw this beautiful woman, with a sword in one hand and a torch in another, eyeing with pleasure all the horrors of her misplaced revenge.

In 1356, Jane retired from piracy to marry an English lieutenant. She eventually returned to France, and in 1359 died there, near the land she and her beloved Oliver had once owned.




【附注】 Descent的動詞是 descend,兩字都可解作「襲擊」。


Saturday, August 28, 2010


問: It has been four years since I smoked一語,是不是說「我抽煙至今四年了」?

答:這一句應解作「我至今有四年沒吸煙了」。假如要說「我吸煙至今四年了」,英文可說 I have smoked for four years或 I started smoking/ I started to smoke four years ago。

留意 since所述的,是「自從某個時間以來」的事; for帶出的,是某事維持了多久的時間; ago則用來說過去某事距離現在多久。以下三句,都是說「我有五年沒聽到他的消息」,但 since、 for、 ago三字須配不同的動詞時式:( 1) It is/ It has been five years since I heard of him。( 2) I have not heard of him for five years。( 3) I last heard of him five years ago。

問: He was only too pleased to let them go一語,是說「他很樂意讓他們離去」還是「他高興得不讓他們離去」?

答: Only too和 too不同。 Too... to do something有「太過……以至不能做某事」的意思,「 only too+ happy、 ready等表示意願的形容詞+to do something」則是說「非常(樂意、願意等)做某事」,例如:( 1) He was too happy to go to bed(他高興得不能就寢)。( 2) He was only too happy to go to bed(他慶幸可以就寢了)。

Only too還可用在其他一些形容詞之前,有「十分」( very)的意思,一般帶惋惜含義,例如: The news is only too true(可惜這消息絕對是真的)。


Friday, August 27, 2010


問: They should have about five years' experience in customer service(他們須有約五年服務顧客經驗)這一句, years之後的撇號( apostrophe)可以刪去嗎?

答:那 five years之後不加撇號,不是正式寫法,不宜仿效。要說有多少分鐘、小時、日、月、年等,英文習慣在 minute、 hour、 day、 month、 year等之後加撇號,否則宜改用其他寫法,例如 two hours' performance(兩小時表演)、 a day's rest(一天休息)、 three years' separation(一別三年)等,可改作 a two-hour performance/ a performance of two hours、 a one-day rest/ a rest of one day、 a three-year separation/ a separation of three years。讀者那一句,也可改作 They should have about five years of experience in customer service,不應寫作 about five years experience。

問: What will be the test result like?和 What will the test result be like?(測驗結果會怎樣?)這兩句哪一句正確?

答:英文問句,一般把輔助動詞( auxiliary verb)置於句子主詞( subject)之前,主要動詞則置於主詞之後,例如:( 1) What will he do?(他會怎麼辦?)( 2) Don't you know him?(你不認識他嗎?)讀者那一句, will是輔助動詞, be是主要動詞,句子當然應作 What will the test result be like?
有一點請留意:假如 be(即 is、 was等)是主要動詞,而不和 will、 can等輔助動詞連用,那麼,會像輔助動詞一樣,置於問句的主詞之前。請比較以下兩句:( 1) Is he there?(他在那裏嗎?)( 2) Will he be there?(他會在那裏嗎?)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

乒乓球大小、 to和 for

問: She got a blister the size of a table-tennis ball on her heel(她腳後跟有個乒乓球大小的水泡)一語,「 a+名詞」( a blister)之後怎麼會用「 the+名詞」( the size)?

答: Size和 age、 colour、 height、 length、 shape、 weight等字一樣,常用在 be(即 is、 was等)之後,說出句子主詞( subject)的大小、年齡、顏色、高度、長度、形狀、重量等,例如:( 1) He is only half my age(我年紀大他一倍)。( 2) Her skin is the colour of ivory(她皮膚的顏色有如象牙)。( 3) She got a blister which was the size of a table-tennis ball。第三句 which was二字,由於用在兩個沒有逗點相隔的名詞之間,可以略去,變成「 a+名詞」接以「 the+名詞」句式。

問: I brought a present to/ for John這一句,介系詞應用 to,配 brought字,還是應用 for,配 present一字?

答:這一句用 to或 for都可以,但意思略有不同, I brought a present to John也可寫作 I brought John a present,意思是「我把一份禮物帶給約翰」, to有「致某人」含義; I brought a present for John則是說「我帶了一份給約翰的禮物」, for表示「要給某人」。

由此可見,介系詞應用 to還是 for,不是由 brought或 present決定,而是看句子意思,即使不用 brought一字, present之後也可以用 to;而即使不用 present一字, brought之後也可以用 for,例如:( 1) It is a present to you from Santa Claus(這是聖誕老人給你的禮物)。( 2) Have you brought enough food for so many people?(你帶的食物,足夠這麼多人吃嗎?)
