Wednesday, June 30, 2010


問:巴士上,聽到 We will soon be arriving at Tuen Mun(我們即將到達屯門)一語;列車站上,又聽到 The train to Hong Kong is arriving(往香港之列車即將到達)一語。那 will be arriving和 is arriving有什麼分別?未來進行式( future continuous tense)是怎樣用的? We will soon be arriving at Tuen Mun可不可改為 We will soon arrive at Tuen Mun?

答:未來進行式常用來說一些已有安排或按照慣例會發生的事,例如:( 1) We will be having roast pigeon for dinner(我們晚飯會吃烤鴿子)。( 2) The dog will be waiting for him at the usual time(那隻狗會和平常一樣,在那個時候等他)。巴士即將到站,是已定的安排,所以用 will be arriving。

說未來, is arriving這樣的現在進行式( present continuous tense)和未來進行式用法差不多。有時,這兩種時式會用在一起。在那樣的句子裏,未來進行式所說的事,發生時間一般會晚於現在進行式所說的事,例如: He is going to school for one more year, and then he will be going to university(他多上一年中學之後,就會上大學)。

至於 We will soon arrive at Tuen Mun,意思是「我們會很快去到屯門」。這話沒有「已安排好」含義,只是說未來的事,例如: Take a taxi, and we will soon arrive at Tuen Mun(我們搭的士,很快就可以去到屯門)。


Tuesday, June 29, 2010


問: A total of ten students attended yesterday's activity(昨天的活動,共有十個學生參加)這一句,是不是不可改寫為 Totally ten students attended yesterday's activity?

答:說「總計」,一般是說 a total of或 in total,但說 totally也可以,例如美國賓夕凡尼亞州立大學出版社的 Puritan Poets and Poetics書中有以下一句: The first edition of this poem, totally eight hundred copies, was exhausted within one year of the printing(那詩篇第一版共八百本,出版一年之內售罄)。那 totally eight hundred copies改為 a total of eight hundred copies或 eight hundred copies in total也可以。

留意 totally最好還是用來說「完全」,例如: That is totally unnecessary(那是完全不必要的)。

問: I would like to draw your attention/ yours attention to the conclusion of the report(敬請注意報告之結論)一語,應用 your還是 yours?

答: Yours是代名詞,不可帶出 attention之類名詞,正確說法當然是 your attention。讀者大概是因為英文書信常用 Yours sincerely/ faithfully等寫法,所以認為 yours attention也可能正確。其實 Yours sincerely等,無非是舊式英文書信結尾語的縮略, Yours sincerely等於 I am, sir, sincerely your friend/ your humble servant(我誠誠懇懇是你的朋友/你卑微的僕人),那 yours即 your friend、 your humble servant等。 Yours、 hers、 mine這些代名詞,文法上等於「 your/ her/ my+名詞」,一般用來避免重複一個字,例如: Is this watch yours?(= Is this watch your watch?這隻手錶是你的嗎?)


Monday, June 28, 2010


On the evening of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily. The failing light was such that observation by periscope could not be relied on, and the Upholder's listening gear was out of order. Still, Wanklyn decided to press home his attack at short range.

Wanklyn closed in. As he was about to fire, one of the enemy destroyers suddenly appeared out of the darkness at high speed, and he only just avoided being rammed. Then he brought his periscope sights on and fired torpedoes, which sank a large troop ship. The enemy destroyers at once made a strong counterattack, but with coolness and skill Wanklyn brought the Upholder safe back to harbour.

Wanklyn was killed along with his crew when his submarine was sunk in April 1942.





Sunday, June 27, 2010


It was customary with French marshal Bassompierre( 1579-1646), when any of his soldiers were brought before him for heinous offences, to say to them,"Brother, you or I will certainly be hanged." This was a sufficient declaration of their fate.

A spy, who was discovered in Bassompierre's camp, was addressed in this language. The next day, as he was about to be led to the gallows, he pressed earnestly to speak with the marshal.

When introduced, the marshal asked him what he had to say."Why, my lord," said the culprit,"when I first had the honour of your conversation, you were pleased to say that either you or I should be hanged. Now I am come to know whether it is your pleasure to be so, because, if you won't, I must. That's all." The marshal, pleased with the fellow's humour, ordered his release.





Saturday, June 26, 2010


問: The relatives and friends of the two girls killed in the crash attended the ritual(死於撞車事故的兩名女郎的親友,出席了儀式)這一句, killed可不可以改為 being killed?

答: The two girls killed in the crash是 the two girls who were killed in the crash的縮略, killed不可改為 being killed。這個縮略法十分常見,例如:( 1) The reward is commensurate with the risk( that is) involved(報酬和所冒風險相等)。( 2) The rings and watches( which were) displayed were all very expensive(展出的戒指、手錶都很昂貴)。

英文的 ing動詞,一般有「正在進行」含義,例如: I heard the screams of the two girls( who were) being tortured(我聽見那兩個正受酷刑的女郎尖叫)。讀者說的那一句, killed假如改為 being killed,似是說那兩個女郎正在死亡,那當然不對。

問:「今年的五月,是四十年來最涼的五月」這一句,譯做英文,可不可以說 The May of this year is the coolest one since the Junes of the past 40 years?

答:「今年的五月」,說時應已過去,所以讀者那句翻譯的動詞宜用過去式 was,不用 is;而 since(自從)一字也用得不妥當。全句可改正如下: The May of this year was the coolest( one) in the past 40 years。假如要用 since一字,則可從今年起倒算四十年至一九七○年,而以 since 1970取代 in the past 40 years。


Friday, June 25, 2010


問: Partially、 partly二字,用法有分別嗎?

答: Partly、 partially都有「部分」、「不完全」的意思,兩字有時通用,例如:( 1) When he died, the work was only partly/ partially completed(他去世時,工作只是做好了一部分)。( 2) The mistake was due partly/ partially to his inexperience(錯誤的原因之一,是他缺乏經驗)。

Partly、 partially的主要分別,在於 partly多指可分辨的部分, partially則多指「某個程度上」,例如:( 1) His hair was dyed partly green and partly red(他的頭髮部分染成綠色,部分染成紅色)。( 2) I am only partially convinced that he has told the truth(我並不完全相信他說了事情的真相)。

問:有畢業學生會邀請老師出席畢業晚宴,請柬上寫 All teachers are sincerely invited to a graduation party in honour of the graduates on( date) at( venue),那是說向教師還是畢業生致敬?

答:那一句是說「謹邀請所有老師某月某日蒞臨(地點),出席向畢業生致敬的畢業宴會」。以畢業生名義說這樣的話,當然不恰當,可改寫如下: All teachers are cordially invited to share in our joy as we celebrate our graduation on( date) at( venue)(我們將於某月某日假(地點)慶祝畢業,敬請所有老師蒞臨同樂)。 A dinner party in honour of the graduates這寫法,宜出於第三者手筆,例如大學請人出席其名譽畢業生賀宴: You are cordially invited to a dinner party in honour of our honorary graduates on( date) at( venue)。


Thursday, June 24, 2010


問: Please note that flush water supply to all floors has resumed normal(各層沖廁水供應已恢復正常,謹此奉告)這一句, normal一字是不是多餘的?

答:「沖廁水」英文一般不叫做 flush water,宜改為 water for flushing the toilet:「恢復正常」譯做 resume normal也很古怪。整句最好改寫如下: Please note that the supply of water to all floors for flushing the toilet has returned to normal/ has been restored。 Has been restored之後,文法上可加 to normal,但那的確有點「多餘」。

問: Despite she knew that the date of birth on the I.D. card was wrong, she did not correct it(她雖然知道身分證上的出生日期有誤,卻不更正)這一句,為什麼讀起來似乎有點不妥當?

答: Despite(= in spite of雖然、儘管)是介系詞( preposition),而介系詞之後必須用名詞或動名詞( gerund),不可用普通子句( clause),所以不能說 Despite she knew that等等。讀者說的那一句,要改正,可在 despite之後加 the fact這個名詞,也可把 knew改為動名詞,即 Despite her knowing(或 Despite the fact that she knew) that the date of birth on the I.D. card was wrong, she did not correct it。留意「 Despite the fact that+子句」雖然文法正確,但頗嫌累贅,可以的話,就不要用這句式,例如可用 though取代 despite,即 though she knew that the date of birth等等。這樣,句子意思不變,說起來卻簡單自然。


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


問:法國麥當勞快餐店一輯有同性戀含義的廣告說: Come as you are。是什麼意思呢?

答: Come as you are直譯是「像你現在這樣來就行了」。換言之,你可以很自然,很隨便,保持自己本色,不必裝扮。例如邀請朋友出席晚宴,你可以說: This is not a formal dinner party. So please come as you are(這不是個隆重晚宴,穿便服來就可以了)。
As someone/ something is(就以目前這樣子)的說法,還可用於其他情況,例如: The landlord refused to make any repairs, and I had to rent the house as it was(房東完全不肯修葺,房子我只能照當時那樣子租下來)。

問:德國作家哥德說: None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free。這一句應怎樣翻譯?要說「有些人在政改問題上被共產黨『和諧了』,是民主的最大敵人」,也可用哥德這句式,說 None are more harmful to democracy...嗎?

答:哥德那一句,可譯做「有些人為隸為奴,還自以為無拘無束,是最不可救藥的奴隸」。至於讀者那句中文,說的當然是香港那個中共新寵「民主黨」,可譯做 None are more harmful to democracy(或 No enemy to democracy is greater) than those who, on the issue of political changes, are"harmonised" by the communists。

【代郵】 Sam Or先生:觀「民主黨」近月所作所為,先生實不必因「有朋友,長輩為飲為食而參加支持政改遊行」痛心。世情慣見,何事不可付諸一笑。


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


問:年前,美國老政客基辛格論國務卿賴斯,有以下一句,是什麼意思呢?— Despite recent progress. Rice is too much a student of history not to know that we have witnessed but the first scene of a play in many acts。

答: Too... to do something意思是「由於太……而不能做某事」,例如: He is too careful( a man) to do it/ not to do it(他為人十分小心,不會做/不會不做那樣的事)。基辛格那句話上半截就是用這句式。
句子下半截的 but,和 only或「僅僅」同義,例如: The president is but a man, not a superman(總統只是個人,不是超人)。 Scene、 act則都是戲劇用語:通常一齣戲分多幕( act),一幕分多場( scene),例如: The Tempest is a play in five acts(《暴風雨》這齣戲分五幕)。


答:「瀟灑走一回」這句流行語,似乎很優雅很有哲理,實際說的是什麼,我這個不瀟灑的人完全猜不到,無法翻譯。那個「瀟灑」,應是指做事漂亮而輕鬆,等於英文 panache,例如: The model walked down the catwalk with great panache(那模特兒在天橋上走,表現十分瀟灑)。


Monday, June 21, 2010


When Frederick the Great of Prussia built the Palace of Sans Souci, there happened to be a mill which greatly limited him in the execution of his plan. Frederick offered to pay the miller any sum he might demand for it, and besides to build him a mill in a better place. The miller, however, was determined to preserve the inheritance of his ancestors, and would not sell the mill.

Irritated at his resistance, the king sent for the miller, and said,"Do you know that I could take the mill without giving you a farthing?""Yes," replied the miller,"if it were not for the chamber of justice at Berlin."

The king was greatly flattered with this answer, which showed that he was incapable of an act of injustice. He dismissed the miller, and changed the plan of his palace.





Sunday, June 20, 2010


The quarrel between Alexander the Great and Darius, the Persian king, originated in Alexander's refusing to pay the tribute of golden eggs to which his father had agreed. Darius sent to Alexander's court an ambassador, who delivered to Alexander a bat, a ball, and a bag of very small seed. The bat and ball were meant to throw a ridicule on Alexander's youth, being fit amusement for his age, the bag of seed was an emblem of the Persian army, being innumerable.

Alexander ordered a fowl to be brought. He took the bat and ball into his hands, and said,"This is the emblem of my power, with which I strike the ball of your monarch's dominion, and this fowl will show you what a morsel your army will prove to mine." The seed was instantly eaten up; and Alexander gave a wild melon to the ambassador, the taste of which, he said, would enable Darius to judge of the bitter fare which awaited him.


