Sunday, July 11, 2010

上 訴

Like his son Alexander the Great, PhilipⅡ was famed for his love of drink. One day, rising from an entertainment at which he had sat some hours, he was asked by a woman to hear her cause. He complied with her request, but upon her saying some things that were not very agreeable to him, he gave sentence against her.

The woman promptly but calmly replied,"Then I appeal."

"To whom?" Philip asked.

"From Philip drunk, to Philip sober," said the woman.

The manner in which Philip received this answer was worthy of a great prince. He afterwards gave the cause a second hearing, found the injustice of his sentence, and condemned himself to make it good.






【附注】 PhilipⅡ was famed的 famed字,改為 famous也可以。兩字用法、意思都沒有分別。


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